王全璋监狱“来信” 妻会见无门 (Li Wenzu’s still denied visits to husband Wang Quanzhang, receives suspicious handwritten letters)
Deutsche Welle, May 13, 2019
China to solicit public opinion for judicial interpretation
Xinhua, May 13, 2019
HRIC Note: The newly-amended regulation, effective May 13, 2019, requires the SPP to consult relevant authorities and local and special procuratorates when preparing draft judicial interpretations. The SPP may also consult the National People’s Congress, political advisors, and scholars. When authorized by the Procurator-General, the SPP may also solicit public opinion via newspaper and internet for cases involving the interests of the general public.
Related:司法解释涉群众利益可公开征求意见 (New regulation allows Supreme People’s Procuratorate to solicit public opinion through newspaper and internet for judicial interpretations that “involve public interest”)
Legal Daily, May 13, 2019
內地維權律師余文生妻子稱相信丈夫案件已秘密開庭審訊 (Xu Yan, wife of detained rights lawyer Yu Wensheng, says she believes secret trial for Yu has already happened in Jiangsu)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 11, 2019