Two Canadians detained in China, Michael Spavor, Michael Kovrig, formally arrested
Globe and Mail, May 16, 2019
中国709律师余文生疑被秘密审判 (Secret trial underway for 709 lawyer Yu Wensheng)
Voice of America, May 15, 2019
抗議秘密審訊余文生律師聲明 (Joint statement against secret trial of lawyer Yu Wensheng)
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, May 15, 2019
曾聲援港佔領運動囚 4 年半 內地人王默疑再被警帶走 (Guangzhou activist Wang Mo, who was previously jailed for 4.5 years for openly supporting Occupy Central, arrested on unknown charges)
The Stand News, May 15, 2019