五四百年来临 北大多位左翼学生劳动节实习遭集体失踪 (5 Peking University students have disappeared since the eve of Labor Day)
Voice of America, May 2, 2019
「我輩未能躬逢其盛 但黑暗既在 壓迫仍舊」 延續五四精神 北大生無懼打壓撐工運 (In the face of a never-ending crackdown, Peking University students stand strong in support of labor movements, honoring the spirit of May Fourth)
Ming Pao, May 3, 2019China seeks to quell debate ahead of May 4
Financial Times, May 3, 2019
Frontline trade union officials kept in the dark as leaders hold meetings
China Labour Bulletin, May 2, 2019