我們有責任用香港有限的自由,替六四事件的良知發聲 (We have an obligation to use Hong Kong’s limited freedom and speak up about June Fourth)
The News Lens, May 7, 2019
Despite Harassment, Vandalism and Protests, the World's Only Tiananmen Museum Just Reopened in Hong Kong
Time, April 26, 2019
Factory psychology: My time counseling China’s migrant workers
Sixth Tone, May 6, 2019
A 13-member “manel” in 2019? Democracy without feminism is not democracy
Hong Kong Free Press, May 6, 2019
【語象分析】中共最高領導人首次五四講話:習五四,「新時代中國青年」的提出 (Xi Jinping and the “new age Chinese youth”: Narrative analysis of the first May Fourth address by a CCP leader)
The Initium, May 6, 2019
Ottawa should protest Hong Kong-China extradition law
The Star, May 6, 2019
京學者張耀傑:五四包含普世價值 (“May Fourth movement is about universal values,” says scholar Zhang Yaojie)
Ming Pao, May 4, 2019