Fears of China and WeChat as Australia heads to the polls
South China Morning Post, May 16, 2019
The Netherlands unveils strategy to tackle China’s “unfair trading practices”)
Bloomberg, May 15, 2019
The Netherlands & China: A New Balance
Kingdom of Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 15, 2019
【中共滅佛】貴州大佛被水泥填平 當局狡辯:恢復自然原貌 (Guizhou Buddha statue’s face found smeared with cement; officials claim it’s restoration of rock’s natural look)
Apple Daily, May 15, 2019
Beijing slams Paris as wife of ex-Interpol chief granted asylum
Radio France Internationale, May 15, 2019
Chinese President Xi Jinping warns of disaster if one civilisation imposes its will on another
South China Morning Post, May 15, 2019
China’s Xi rallies Asia by appealing to shared culture — with subtle dig at U.S.
Washington Post, May 15, 2019Highlights of Xi's speech at opening of CDAC
Xinhua, May 15, 2019
报告:美国需谨防中国通过国际组织输出其意识形态 (Report: U.S. must be wary of China exporting its ideology to international organizations)
Voice of America, May 16, 2019
People’s Republic of the United Nations: China’s emerging revisionism in international organizations
Center for a New American Security, May 14, 2019