【逃犯條例】民主派中午遊行至特首辦 要求盡快與林鄭會面 (Democrats march to Chief Executive’s Office to demand meeting on extradition law amendment bill)
Inmediahk.net, May 14, 2019
【逃犯條例修例】石禮謙兩闖開會不果 再休會求指示 涂謹申籲三方會議政治協商 (Abraham Shek to seek advice from House Committee on how to proceed after another unsuccessful attempt at meeting on extradition bill, while James To urges tripartite negotiation)
The Stand News, May 14, 2019More drama at Hong Kong legislature as rival camps try to resume China extradition bill meeting
Hong Kong Free Press, May 14, 2019
专访香港众志罗冠聪:引渡条例修订断送一国两制 (Interview with Nathan Law of Demosisto: Extradition Law will send One Country, Two Systems to the grave)
Radio Free Asia, May 13, 2019