【律師會改選】人權律師帝理邁成票王 其餘 4 人來自流傳中聯辦推薦名單 (Law Society election results: 1 human rights lawyer and 4 pro-Beijing candidates endorsed by Liaison Office take seats)
The Stand News, May 31, 2019
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam survives first no confidence vote, as democrats cite “lies” over extradition row
Hong Kong Free Press, May 30, 2019
Hong Kong gov’t announces new concessions to extradition bill after pressure from pro-Beijing camp
Hong Kong Free Press, May 30, 2019
【逃犯條例】被指無法處理台灣殺人案 林鄭:修例後會睇下 (Government concessions specify extradition requests must originate from central authorities, casting doubt on Taiwan’s ability to initiate requests; Carrie Lam: “We’ll look into it after amendments are done”)
The Stand News, May 31, 2019【逃犯條例】英加外長:修例或損《中英聯合聲明》保障之權利自由 促港府與各方溝通 (UK foreign secretary, Canadian foreign minister warn negative impacts of extradition bill on human rights, urge consideration of alternatives and safeguards)
The Stand News, May 30, 2019
Hong Kong school head called police over student-backed petition opposing controversial extradition bill
Hong Kong Free Press, May 30, 2019
“Inconsistent with the right to equality”: Hong Kong court declares male gay sex laws unconstitutional
Agence France-Presse, May 30, 2019
Hong Kong wants to build massive artificial islands. More than 1 million people could live on them. But they will cost a fortune
Economist, May 30, 2019