The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

June Fourth 30th Anniversary (“六四”三十周年)

On This Day — May 21, 1989: One million march: More than one million people defy martial law and successfully block soldiers from entering central Beijing.
See HRIC chronology and resources.

HRIC’s “Unforgotten” project: profiles of June Fourth Victims
‐ Project subsite homepage
‐ HRIC statement
‐ Profiles of the “Unforgotten”

Families of Tiananmen massacre victims under surveillance ahead of anniversary
Radio Free Asia, May 20, 2019

六四臨近 當局逼丁子霖離京限通訊 (As June Fourth anniversary approaches, Tiananmen Mothers under surveillance, Ding Zilin forced to leave Beijing, unable to receive phone calls)
Ming Pao, May 21, 2019

30 years ago: Troops sent to Beijing
China Digital Times, May 20, 2019

四川独立电影拍摄者邓传彬(网名晃晃)疑因推特发布“六四酒瓶”照片遭刑事拘留 (Sichuan independent filmmaker Deng Chuanbin detained for tweeting photo of June Fourth liquor bottle)
Weiquanwang, May 18, 2019