The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

June Fourth 30th Anniversary (“六四”三十周年)

On This Day — May 23, 1989: Defacing of Mao portrait: Mao Zedong’s portrait on the Tiananmen Gate is defaced by Yu Zhijian, Yu Dongyue, and Lu Decheng, who throw paint-filled eggs at it. The defaced portrait of Mao is quickly removed and replaced with another, identical one. Students hand over the individuals who defaced the portrait to the authorities.
See HRIC chronology and resources.

HRIC’s “Unforgotten” project: profiles of June Fourth Victims
‐ Project subsite homepage
‐ HRIC statement
‐ Profiles of the “Unforgotten”

李立峯:一直少提少講 建制網媒出擊 主動否定六四 (Pro-Beijing media changing strategy from silence to preemptively discrediting June Fourth commemorative activities, says Hong Kong journalism scholar)
Ming Pao, May 23, 2019

六四30周年:通往自由香港的“黄雀行动” (June Fourth 30th anniversary: Operation Yellowbird, pathway to finding freedom in Hong Kong)
BBC, May 23, 2019

【六四三十】支聯會料維園晚會人數增 李卓人:今年意義重大 (Hong Kong Alliance to hold ”Patriotic Democracy March” this Sunday; expects high turnout at candlelight vigil this significant year), May 22, 2019

30 years ago: Protesters again stop troop advance
China Digital Times, May 22, 2019

Video: Tiananmen Square: China 30 years on
Financial Times, May 22, 2019