李峻嶸:無大台、去中心化和「三罷」,能幫「反送中運動」走多遠?(Leaderless, decentralized, cross-sector strikes: Can these features carry Hong Kong’s anti-extradition movement?)
The Initium, June 13, 2019
Hong Kong is on the frontlines of a global battle for freedom
TIME, June 12, 2019
Britain failed Hong Kong: The U.K. owes Hong Kongers fighting for democracy a moral debt
Foreign Policy, June 12, 2019
Hong Kong wants democracy: More than one million people took to Hong Kong's streets on Sunday to protest the new extradition-to-China law. What they're calling for is totally legitimate
Deutsche Welle, June 12, 2019
Hong Kongers won’t bow to Beijing. But their leaders will.
Foreign Policy, June 12, 2019
“Little fresh meat” and the changing face of masculinity in China: The embrace of a more fluid form of masculinity shows that many Chinese are frustrated with the traditional ideas pushed by the establishment
The New York Times, June 12, 2019