Strikes, class boycotts and “picnics”: How ordinary people across Hong Kong are mobilising to take action against extradition bill
South China Morning Post, June 12, 2019
【不斷更新】示威者成功佔據夏慤道 佔領運動場面重現 (Live updates: Occupation reemerges in fight against extradition bill as protestors seize major roads in Admiralty)
The Stand News, June 12, 2019Police and protesters clash as mass protests escalate in Hong Kong
Vox, June 12, 2019Hong Kong police declare China extradition protest 'a riot' as rubber bullets and tear gas fired at crowd
CNN, June 12, 2019文化界接力絕食抗議反送中 楊雪盈、黎明冀引起更多港人關注 (Three cultural groups go on hunger strike to protest extradition amendment bill), June 12, 2019
Hong Kong’s journalism watchdog says police “trampled on reporters’ rights” during extradition protest clashes
Hong Kong Free Press, June 12, 2019
Police in Central Hong Kong stop, search subway passengers ahead of vote
Radio Free Asia, June 11, 2019
If Hong Kong extradition bill passes, what will happen?
USA Today, June 11, 2019