The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

【逃犯條例】警拘12人最細14歲 「佔旺畫家」被捕 (12 arrested over clashes at LegCo, youngest is 14 years old)
Ming Pao, July 3, 2019

Hong Kong police arrest 8 on suspicion of releasing officers’ personal information online
Hong Kong Free Press, July 3, 2019

撐警集會多人遇襲  警:拘 5 男 1 女 涉襲擊、打架等 (Police arrest 6 in connection with assaults during pro-police rally on June 30)
The Stand News, July 3, 2019

北大教授張千帆 倡香港推行真正政改 「把屬於港人的政治權利還給他們」(Peking University law professor urges true political reform for Hong Kong: “Return to the Hong Kong people the rights that belong to them”)
The Stand News, July 3, 2019

Anger of the young at Hong Kong government now goes beyond the extradition bill, and targets the legitimacy of Carrie Lam’s administration
South China Morning Post, July 3, 2019

牧師絕食促撤例 籲體諒年輕人 (Pastor to commence hunger strike outside government offices, urging understanding for youngsters)
Ming Pao, July 4, 2019

Flag-waving Grandma Wong gives Hong Kong protesters lesson in endurance
Reuters, July 3, 2019

Hong Kong’s “death fighters”: Young protesters with nothing to lose
The Guardian, July 3, 2019

網民擬發動 7.7 九龍區遊行 赴高鐵站向自由行宣揚反送中 (July 7 protests planned outside high-speed rail station)
The Stand News, July 3, 2019