The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

指護士 7.28 救援卻被控暴動  醫護聯署譴責政府罔顧人道精神 促護士管理局勿追究被告 (Nurse offering first aid during protests charged with rioting; joint letter from medical professionals condemns disregard of humanitarian principles, urges Nursing Council to refrain from legal action against nurse)
Stand News, August 1, 2019

駐港解放軍發片宣傳鎮壓示威 廣東話喊「後果自負」 出動裝甲車催淚彈水炮 (“All consequences are at your own risk”: PLA Hong Kong garrison publishes promo video showing armed vehicles, tear gas, water cannons deployed against protesters)
Stand News, August 1, 2019

解放軍駐港司令員:絕不容忍近日極端暴力事件 堅決支持香港警方 (Commander of PLA Hong Kong garrison condemns “extreme acts of violence”)
Stand News, July 31, 2019

Hong Kong bankers join call for citywide strike over handling of outcry over extradition bill
South China Morning Post, August 1, 2019

【逃犯條例】港人穿黑衣北上被送公安局盤問 扣6小時簽悔過書承諾不遊行 (Hong Konger questioned for 6 hours by mainland public security when crossing border; forced to enter mainland, unlock phone and show protest photos, sign letter of apology, promises “never to attend demonstrations again”)
Ming Pao, July 31, 2019

律政司檢控人員公開信 轟鄭若驊檢控決定 主要考慮政治因素 (Department of Justice prosecutors issue third public letter condemning political prosecutorial decisions, criticize Teresa Cheng for disrespecting prosecution guidelines and being deferential to Carrie Lam’s demands)
Stand News, July 31, 2019

Hong Kong gov’t lawyers slam “kowtowing” justice chief following decision to prosecute 44 protesters for rioting
Hong Kong Free Press, August 1, 2019

Anger as Hong Kong protesters appear in court on rioting charges
The Guardian, July 31, 2019

Hong Kong: Charges against protesters a “chilling warning”
Amnesty International, July 31, 2019

【反修例】未發警告發放催淚彈致受傷 科大生及巿民入稟向一哥索15萬 (Demonstrators file lawsuit claiming damages for injuries suffered by tear gas fired without warning)
TOPick, July 31, 2019

Presidents of government-funded universities step up calls for Chief Executive Carrie Lam to meet demands of extradition protesters
South China Morning Post, July 31, 2019

Explainer: Police crowd control gear used during Hong Kong’s latest protest clashes
Hong Kong Free Press, July 31, 2019