Hong Kong must leave judges out of the protest politics and safeguard the independence of its judiciary
South China Morning Post, September 17, 2019
李立峯:市民如何看待示威者與警方使用的武力 (Journalism professor Francis Lee: What poll says about how citizens view use of force by protesters and police)
The Initium, September 17, 2019
Remarkable results of Hong Kong poll
The China Collection, September 16, 2019
香港警察的預期自我實現及選擇性執法 (Selective law enforcement and Hong Kong police’s self-fulfilling prophecy on violence)
Stand News, September 16, 2019
Russia and China are trying to set the U.N.’s rules on cybercrime
Foreign Policy, September 16, 2019
专访:何韵诗谈“不孤独的香港抗争” (Interview with Denise Ho: This is not only a fight for Hong Kong)
Deutsche Welle, September 16, 2019
The great anti-China tech alliance: The United States and Europe will regret letting Beijing win the race to govern digital technology
Foreign Policy, September 16, 2019
Discrimination against same-sex couples must come to an end
South China Morning Post, September 15, 2019