【11.3 衝突】警闖各區商場噴椒舉槍拉人 趙家賢被咬甩耳 立場、浸大記者被捕 (November 3: District councillor, residents hospitalized in stabbing incident; journalists arrested; riot police suppress "shopping rallies" in multiple districts)
Stand News, November 3, 2019
Hong Kong protests: Knife attacker bites man's ear off
Deutsche Welle, November 3, 2019
【11.2 港島】和理非集會被封殺 催淚彈直射維園足球場 灣仔中環包抄 逾百人被捕 (November 2: Tear gas fired in Victoria Park as police revoke authorization for peaceful rallies, 3 election candidates and over 100 protesters arrested during clearance from Causeway Bay to Central)
Stand News, November 2, 2019
背重創急救員為樹仁生 一度休克 (Student first aider suffers severe burns from police's hand-thrown tear gas canisters)
Ming Pao, November 4, 2019尖沙咀「和你Sing」過百防暴柏麗大道佈防 ("Sing with you": Karaoke rally in Tsim Sha Tsui dispersed with tear gas after police clear peaceful assemblies in Central)
Inmediahk.net, November 2, 2019First aider, firefighter caught up in Hong Kong Island clashes as demonstrators target Chinese state media HQ
Hong Kong Free Press, November 3, 2019
‘Broad and vague’: Why a court injunction obtained by the Hong Kong police is not just about ‘doxxing’
Hong Kong Free Press, November 3, 2019
‘Selling out Hong Kong people’: Global companies vandalised by protesters over links to China
Independent, November 3, 2019
Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam to discuss helping people to live and work in mainland China
Reuters, November 3, 2019
民間記者會民調:抗爭者現創傷壓力徵狀 轟元兇為政府及警暴 (Polls show government arrogance, police violence major sources of post-traumatic stress disorder among protesters)
Inmediahk.net, November 2, 2019
UK report calls for ‘proportionate’ police response to Hong Kong protests and end to violence
Hong Kong Free Press, November 1, 2019
《香港半年报告》:英国呼吁停止示威暴力 寻求政治解决 (UK issues biannual report on Hong Kong, urges protesters to cease violence, presses for political resolution)
BBC News, November 1, 2019
China to 'perfect' Hong Kong leader appointment system, warns on national security
Reuters, November 1, 2019
Beijing reiterates call for Hong Kong to prioritise national security, patriotic education
South China Morning Post, November 1, 2019