The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Pro-Beijing Hong Kong lawmaker Junius Ho attacked in Tuen Mun
Hong Kong Free Press, November 6, 2019

Millions in Hong Kong Have Been Exposed to Tear Gas Since June
Bloomberg, November 6, 2019

醫護人員:周梓樂康復機會渺茫 「要搵出真相」("Grim hope for recovery" for student who suffered brain injury, says medical professional, stresses the need for truth about what happened)
Stand News, November 6, 2019

墮樓受傷科大生危殆 市民製留言板表達支持 (University student remains in critical condition despite repeated surgery, citizens gather to pray, leave messages in support)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 5, 2019

科大生墮樓命危 警急辦記招稱難過 (Police hold urgent press conference to "express sadness" over student in critical condition after falling from car park in Tseung Kwan O, denies involvement of officers and obstructing ambulance), November 5, 2019

UK lawmakers call for BN(O) residency rights
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 6, 2019

China to 'perfect' HK system as water cannon breaks up Guy Fawkes protest
Reuters, November 5, 2019

全民V煞日尖東集會 警水炮車驅散 多人被捕 (Police disperse Vendetta mask rally with water cannon on one-month anniversary of anti-mask law), November 5, 2019

China signals desire to bring Hong Kong under tighter control
The Guardian, November 5, 2019

Hong Kong Shue Yan University asks police to release all materials relating to student first-aider injured at protest
Hong Kong Free Press, November 5, 2019

Hong Kong official chides civil servants joining protests
Bloomberg, November 5, 2019

顏武周宣布成立工會 冀保護公務員自由表達意見權利 (Civil servants form workers' union to protect rights, freedom of expression)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 4, 2019

多名報稱紀律部隊出席民間記者會 稱公僕恥與警隊為伍 (Members of disciplined forces condemn police violence in citizen press conference)
Stand News, November 4, 2019