The New Cold War? It’s With China, and It Has Already Begun
The New York Times, December 4, 2019
【專訪】右眼失明印尼記者:中槍改變人生 堅持訴訟為阻警暴重演 (Interview with Veby Mega Indah, Indonesian reporter shot blind in one eye by police: Filing criminal prosecution is not just for myself, but also for other Hong Kongers and frontline reporters)
Stand News, December 3, 2019
Six powerful reasons for Beijing to rethink how Hong Kong should be governed, in the interests of long-term stability
South China Morning Post, December 3, 2019
區選結果的意義及長遠作用 (The long-term significance and utility of district council election victories)
Stand News, December 3, 2019
China Will Outpace US Artificial Intelligence Capabilities, But Will It Win The Race? Not If We Care About Freedom
Forbes, December 3, 2019