Hong Kong gov’t defends practice of suspending civil servants under police investigation
Hong Kong Free Press, December 19, 2019
2歲男童認塗鴉警署獲頒兩年保護令 刑毀罪撤銷 (12-year-old who sprayed graffiti on wall of police station receives child protection order, has charges dismissed)
Inmediahk.net, December 19, 2019
UK urges China to open dialogue with Hong Kong on 1984 declaration anniversary
Reuters, December 19, 2019
「匡民會」接觸反送中運動被告 聲稱可提供萬元現金援助 前身為「反佔中」組織 (Pro-Beijing group active during Umbrella Movement pretended to be "volunteers" supporting arrested protesters and tried to fish information on their court cases)
Stand News, December 18, 2019
Pro-democracy lawmakers in push to invoke special Legco powers to launch investigation into alleged police brutality amid Hong Kong protests
South China Morning Post, December 18, 2019
Leaked internal document reveal Hong Kong police to ask gov’t for manpower, supplies and pay boost
Hong Kong Free Press, December 18, 2019
Children of the revolution: the Hong Kong youths ready to 'sacrifice everything'
The Guardian, December 15, 2019