The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Union groupings square off for numbers match
The Standard, December 27, 2019

早報:港府指責《華盛頓郵報》報導偏頗,稱港警使用武力符合國際標準 (Hong Kong government accuses Washington Post of biased and "groundless" reporting, insists police use of force is in line with international standards)
The Initium, December 27, 2019

大檢控是「依法治港」抑或司法災難?——專訪大律師吳靄儀 (Interview with Margaret Ng: Are mass prosecutions "governing Hong Kong by law" or a judicial disaster?)
The Initium, December 27, 2019

Third day of Christmas clashes in Hong Kong as riot police and protesters roam shopping malls
Agence France-Presse, December 27, 2019

Hong Kong Protesters Aren't Taking Christmas Off
Vice, December 26, 2019

Hong Kong Police Harass Protesters, Shoppers, Residents With Searches, Checks
Radio Free Asia, December 26, 2019

【睇片 ‧ 曲線證常濫捕?】大埔蒙面便衣警被當示威者 防暴警一度箍頸、推牆制服「自己友」(Video: riot police attack undercover police by mistake)
Stand News, December 26, 2019

【睇片】被警刻意公開身份證資料 《立場》記者晚上再遭指揮官指罵「認得你、搞事、黑記、依間報館有問題」("Problematic tabloid": Stand News reporter targeted by police commander again after officer reveals journalist's HKID to livestream)
Stand News, December 27, 2019

Privacy chief says grounds for complaint after cop shows reporters’ Hong Kong ID card to cameras
Hong Kong Free Press, December 27, 2019

反對政治迫害印傭 Yuli 500名巿民團結抗爭 (500 Hong Kongers rally in support of deported Indonesian domestic worker), December 25, 2019

“不敢再回去”:香港书商在台湾的流亡人生 ("I don't dare return": A life in exile for Hong Kong bookseller in Taiwan)
The New York Times, December 24, 2019

「Be water」成金融時報年度字詞:港示威者策略影響各地示威 ("Be water" crowned word of the year for influence on global protests)
Ming Pao, December 23, 2019

Year in a word: Be water
Financial Times, December 21, 2019