【武漢肺炎】政黨團體悼李文亮遊行至中聯辦 郭家麒:中國打壓言論自由害死人民 (Hong Kong groups march to Liaison Office mourning Li Wenliang, urge authorities to cease persecution of whistleblowers)
Ming Pao, February 12, 2020
Coronavirus: Hong Kong reliving Sars nightmare as outbreak spreads
South China Morning Post, February 12, 2020
24個人權組織聯署:香港政府拘捕人權觀察員違反國際責任 (Joint letter by 24 human rights groups criticizes Hong Kong police's arrest of rights observers as violating international obligations, urges withdrawal of charges)
Inmediahk.net, February 11, 2020
護士協會發起「工業行動」 僅促醫管局提供足夠裝備 不接力罷工 (Nurses union urges Hospital Authority to secure sufficient protective gear, but stops short of potential strike)
Stand News, February 11, 2020