消息指瑪嘉烈醫院部門主管拒交罷工醫護名單 辭職轉任顧問醫生 院方不評論 (Head of radiology at Prince Margaret Hospital refuses to submit list of doctors who joined strike to Hospital Authority, quits as a result)
The Stand News, February 27, 2020
Coronavirus: Hong Kong’s Hospital Authority targets medics who went on strike to urge border closure
Hong Kong Free Press, February 27, 2020
Contrite Hong Kong educator demoted but keeps job after sharing acrostic poem that wished death on city police, their families
South China Morning Post, February 27, 2020
地盤工被指元旦遊行藏砂糖與汽油彈相關 今獲撤控兼得訟費 批控方「誣衊」 (Construction worker arrested during January march for carrying sugar has charges dismissed)
Inmediahk.net, February 26, 2020