Hong Kong police arrest mall security guard for allegedly spreading virus rumours
Hong Kong Free Press, February 5, 2020
Coronavirus: why won’t Carrie Lam shut Hong Kong’s border with mainland China?
South China Morning Post, February 5, 2020
天水圍居民上街促封深圳灣 警發逾10催淚彈 (Tin Shui Wai citizens conduct temperature checks for cross-border arrivals in bus station, urge full border closure; police fire tear gas)
Ming Pao, February 5, 2020【武漢肺炎】何栢良:留意下階段或現商場傳播 香港仍有救籲全面封關 政府不可無常識 ("Hong Kong can still be saved," says academic as he urges full border closure; warns of outbreak through malls and calls on Hong Kong government to use common sense)
Stand News, February 5, 2020台灣向港澳發黃色旅遊警示 籲如非必要不要前往(Taiwan issues travel warning on Hong Kong and Macau)
Now News, February 5, 2020
【罷工第三天】醫護到政總遞請願信促封關 林鄭未現身 醫管局:緊急服務受嚴重影響 (Medical strike enters third day, workers rally outside gov't headquarters to submit appeal, but Carrie Lam refuses to meet)
Stand News, February 5, 2020
Coronavirus: Hong Kong medics escalate strike to demand a full shutdown of Chinese border
Hong Kong Free Press, February 4, 2020
Hong Kong’s Striking Health Workers Pose New Threat to Beijing
Bloomberg, February 3, 2020