‘Playing the victim’: Hong Kong democrat slams police force after top cop denies brutality accusations at UN
Hong Kong Free Press, March 11, 2020
眾志發起公開信 促美國盡快制裁賣港官員及警察 (Demosistō urges US sanctions on Hong Kong officials and police force)
Inmediahk.net, March 11, 2020
UK parliamentarians launch probe into Hong Kong police over rights violations
Hong Kong Free Press, March 11, 2020
New Parliamentary Inquiry Launched into Alleged Human Rights Abuses in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Watch, March 10, 2020
醫局:N95餘4周存量 令人擔心 稱「痛下決心」 限處理霧化程序用 (Hospital Authority reveals stock for N95 masks will last fewer than four weeks, "regrettably limits use" only for aerosol-generating procedures)
Ming Pao, March 11, 2020/p>
調查:約6成受訪市民因社會運動或疫情而失眠 (In latest poll, 60% of respondents say they suffered insomnia due to protests or coronavirus outbreak)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 11, 2020
民政處突取消東區監警會 民主派批警權凌駕區議會 (Home Affairs Department cancels district council meeting scheduled to discuss police violence after police department refuses to attend)
Inmediahk.net, March 10, 2020