Dozens marking Yuen Long thug attack fined over ban
The Standard, April 23, 2020
《鏗鏘集》、now新聞《經緯線》反修例7.21元朗節目 「紐約電視電影節」獲獎 (RTHK, Now TV receives New York Festivals of TV & Film Award for Yuen Long documentaries)
Ming Pao, April 23, 2020
陳方安生:中聯辦從無監督權 促「兩辦」克制勿成治港太上皇 (Anson Chan: Liaison Office has never possessed power to supervise Hong Kong; urges HKMAO and LOCPG not to come Hong Kong’s overlords)
The Stand News, April 23, 2020