China slams ‘senseless’ US move at UN over Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse, May 29, 2020
法新社:聯合國安理會擬閉門討論港區國安法 (RFI: UN Security Council to discuss National Security Law for Hong Kong in closed meeting)
Ming Pao, May 29, 2020
歐盟質疑港區國安法違中英聯合聲明及基本法 明言無意制裁中國 (EU raises concerns over National Security Law’s violation of the Joint Declaration and Basic Law; does not plan sanctions against China)
Ming Pao, May 29, 2020
【國安法壓港】德國外長發聲明 指德國歐盟一致認為 高度自治不可削弱 (German foreign minister on National Security Law for Hong Kong: Germany and EU unanimously agree China should not weaken the high-degree of autonomy status in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020
【國安法壓港】彭定康發起國際聯署斥違《中英聯合聲明》 36 國 逾 700 名政要簽署 (More than 700 parliamentarians from 36 countries have signed the petition led by Chris Patten condemning China for violating the 1984 Joint Declaration)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020
台湾将启动“香港人道援助行动专案” (Taiwan to launch "Hong Kong Humanitarian Aid Action Project")
Financial Times, May 28, 2020
China threatens 'countermeasures' against UK over Hong Kong crisis
The Guardian, May 29, 2020
中聯辦:堅決反對美國粗暴干預香港事務造謠污蔑 (Liaison Office: Strongly oppose U.S. interference in Hong Kong affairs, rumor mongering and slandering)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 29, 2020
Hong Kong protests: nearly 100 children among 396 arrested over national anthem and security law demonstrations
South China Morning Post, May 29, 2020
Hong Kong media tycoon vows to stay and 'fight' China, backs U.S. pressure
Reuters, May 29, 2020
中國公安部:全力指導支持港警止暴制亂、恢復秩序 (Ministry of Public Security: Will provide full support and guidance to Hong Kong Police to stop violence and restore order)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020
澳洲学生支持香港民运 被勒令停学 (University of Queensland suspends student for supporting Hong Kong democracy movement)
Deutsche Welle, May 29, 2020