The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

维族强迫劳工:澳大利亚对其中国供应商KTK集团展开调查 (Forced Uyghur labor: Australia launches investigation into Chinese supplier KTK Group)
Radio France Internationale, July 30, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Veteran Democracy Activist Evicted, Harrassed in China's Sichuan
Radio Free Asia, July 30, 2020

律师:许章润称嫖娼指控是"子虚乌有" (Lawyer: Xu Zhangrun calls the accusation of prostitution "a complete fabrication”)
Deutsche Welle, July 29, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong: outcry as activists arrested and pro-democracy candidates banned
The Guardian, July 30, 2020

Hong Kong elections: mass disqualification of opposition hopefuls sparks political storm
South China Morning Post, July 30, 2020

Hong Kong protests: ex-lawmaker Au Nok-hin to plead guilty to illegal assembly charges, faces five years in jail
South China Morning Post, July 30, 2020

泛民15人案|黎智英等10人表明不認罪 官拒禁黎等人離境 (Illegal assembly cases of 15 democratic figures: Jimmy Lai and 10 others will not plead guilty; judge denies prosecutor’s request for travel ban)
HK01, July 30, 2020

【瘋狂 DQ】逾十國議員發聲明 批 DQ 阻香港民主進程 促國際社會應對 (In joint statement, politicians from more than 10 countries slam disqualification of democratic candidates as obstruction of democratic process in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, July 30, 2020

On the obstruction of the democratic process ahead of the 2020 Hong Kong Legislative Council Elections
Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, July 30, 2020

立法會選舉.DQ|港府稱目前12人被裁提名無效 強調反《港區國安法》等不可能真誠擁護《基本法》 (HKSAR Gov't confirms invalidation of the nomination of 12 candidates, citing opposition to National Security Law as evidence of insincere pledge to uphold Basic Law)
Ming Pao, July 30, 2020

HKSAR Government supports Returning Officers' decisions to invalidate certain nominations for Legislative Council General Election
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, July 30, 2020

香港中联办发言人:坚决支持选举主任依法决定部分人士参选立法会提名无效 (Spokesperson of Hong Kong Liaison Office: Strongly support returning officer's lawful invalidation of nominations of certain candidates)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., July 30, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

美日政界敦促限制TikTok (U.S. and Japanese political circles urge restriction of TikTok)
Deutsche Welle, July 29, 2020

Commentary (评论)

專訪:國安法陰影籠罩 言論罪已成香港新現實 (Interview with Kong Tsung-gan: Under the shadow of National Security Law, speech crime has become the new reality in Hong Kong)
Deutsche Welles, July 30, 2020

美中冷战会是什么样?(What Would a Cold War With China Look Like?)
The New York Times, July 30, 2020

中国眼中21世纪的世界秩序 (What Would a Cold War With China Look Like?)
Deutsche Welle, July 30, 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

维吾尔人权 巴黎要求北京允许国际调查组赴新疆查证 (France urges China to allow international investigation delegation in Xinjiang over concerns about Uyghur human rights situation)
Radio France International, July 28, 2020

从否认到粉饰太平 中共关于新疆集中营说法的花样翻新 (From denial to whitewashing—CPC’s changing narrative on Xinjiang’s concentration camps)
Voice of America, July 29, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

新疆良心犯张海涛 入狱五年仅见家人3次 (Serving 15 years for “inciting subversion,” Xinjiang activist Zhang Haitao has been allowed 3 family visits in past 5 years)
Radio Free Asia, July 29, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

US cybersecurity firm says Beijing-linked hackers hit the Vatican ahead of talks between China and the church
South China Morning Post, July 29, 2020

The Vatican Is Said to Be Hacked From China Before Talks With Beijing

The New York Times, July 29, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

US urges Hong Kong to commit to ‘free and fair’ Legco election in September amid coronavirus delay fears
South China Morning Post, July 29, 2020

美、澳、英、歐盟促港府承諾 9 月立法會選舉自由、公正 (U.S., AU, UK, and EU urge Hong Kong government to ensure a free and fair LegCo election in September)

At least three core members of Hong Kong pro-independence group arrested by police officers from national security unit
South China Morning Post, July 29, 2020

學生動源鍾翰林疑被警方國家安全處人員帶走 現場警:我哋係國安隊 (Officers detaining Chung Hon-lam, a former convenor of Studentlocalism, said: We are from the national security task force)
The Stand News, July 29, 2020

EU restricts exports to Hong Kong over China security law
Deutsche Welles, July 28, 2020

歐盟 27 國限制對港輸出敏感科技 擬放寬港人往歐簽證 中方:堅決反對嚴正交涉 (27 EU countries impose restrictions on sensitive technology exports to Hong Kong; plan to loosen visa restrictions; China: Strongly oppose, will deal with seriously)
The Stand News, July 29, 2020

Foreign banks refuse accounts of senior Hong Kong officials
The Financial Times, July 28, 2020

人權觀察:香港新法有如鎮壓藍圖 國安立法對基本自由產生寒蟬效應 (Human Rights Watch: The new National Security Law for Hong Kong is a blueprint for suppression, chilling basic freedoms)
The Stand News, July 29, 2020

Commentary (评论)

蓬佩奧試圖將中共政權與中國人民作出區隔,但「綁匪與人質」的界限早不復存在 (Pompeo tries to differentiate Chinese Communist regime from Chinese people, but the line between “kidnapper and hostage” has already faded)
The News Lens, July 29, 2020

吴有水:是谁,偷走了我为儿子的辩护权?! (Wu Youshui, father and former defense lawyer of Changshasan activist Wu Gejianxiong: Who took away my right to defend my son?)
Weiquanwang, July 29, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Howey Ou, China’s version of Greta Thunberg, pays price for climate activism
South China Morning Post, July 28, 2020

新冠肺炎|袁國勇BBC訪問:武漢官員曾掩飾疫情 內地淡化嚴重性 (Yuen Kwok-yung in BBC interview: Wuhan officials concealed and downplayed severity of epidemic)
HK01, July 28, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China halts Hong Kong extradition treaties with Canada, Australia and UK
The Guardian, July 28, 2020

‘End of academic freedom’: University of Hong Kong to fire pro-democracy activist and law prof. Benny Tai
Hong Kong Free Press, July 28, 2020

港大校委會學生代表:解僱戴耀廷是踐踏學術自由 (HKU Council student representative: Firing of Benny Tai tramples on academic freedom)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 28, 2020

Hong Kong elections: Carrie Lam ‘meets cabinet’ to discuss postponing Legislative Council polls, but no decision made yet
South China Morning Post, July 28, 2020

01獨家│立法會選舉擬延遲一年 參選人報名作廢 明年須再報名 (HK Gov't plans to postpone LegCo election for 1 year, voiding all candidates' applications)
HK01, July 28, 2020

01獨家│港府擬提呈人大決議 賦權本屆立法會自動延長一年 (HK Gov't seeks NPC's authorization to postpone the upcoming LegCo election)
HK01, July 28, 2020

New Zealand suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong
Reuters, July 27, 2020

Commentary (评论)

China Is Harvesting the DNA of Its People. Is This the Future of Policing?

The New York Times, July 28, 2020

What Will Become of HKU’s Law School?
JEROMECOHEN.NET, July 28, 2020

Monday, July 27, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

土耳其维族导游寻母未果 友人告知已获刑 (Uyghur working in Turkey finds out mother, missing for 2 years in Xinjiang, is serving a 5-year sentence)
Deutsche Welle, July 27, 2020

解放报:继续在新疆生产是不负责任的行为 (Libération: Continued production in Xinjiang is irresponsible conduct)
Radio France Internationale, July 27, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Wife Says Rights Lawyer Ding Jiaxi Tortured in Shandong Detention Center
Radio Free Asia, July 24, 2020

廣州街頭反國安法 內地維權人士被刑拘遭酷刑 家屬:手腳被扣起成「人球」 (Guangzhou rights activist is criminally detained and tortured for protesting National Security Law for Hong Kong; family says authorities bound her up into a “human ball” for days)
The Stand News, July 26, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

投诉越来越多 CGTN有可能在英国遭禁 (Facing multiplying complaints, CGTN may be banned in the UK)
Deutsche Welle, July 27, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Surveillance state: 18 of the world’s 20 most monitored cities are in China
South China Morning Post, July 26, 2020

India bans 47 more Chinese mobile apps
Channel News Asia, July 27, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong says no more int’l lobbying as democrats reply to gov’t election questions
Hong Kong Free Press, July 27, 2020

Hong Kong gov’t grills 9 pro-democracy election hopefuls on political stance as candidates prepare for disqualification
Hong Kong Free Press, July 26, 2020

政治風雲失教席 邵家臻非首個 其中一人更曾教過游蕙禎 (Bottle Shiu Ka-chun and “Godfather of localism” are among teachers fired in a political storm)
HK01, July 27, 2020

接受《大公報》專訪 海關關長鄧以海:守衛國安做到銅牆鐵壁 關員將受國安法培訓 (Hermes Tang, Commissioner of Customs and Excise of Hong Kong, in Tai Kung Pao interview: Custom agents to go through training to build an iron wall to safeguard national security)
The Stand News, July 27, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

美国政商界呼吁企业把新疆强迫劳工产品剔出产业供应链 (U.S. political, business circles urge companies to remove Xinjiang's forced labor products from industrial supply chain)
Voice of America, July 24, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Tycoon Ren Zhiqiang who criticised Chinese leadership facing prosecution
South China Morning Post, July 24, 2020

伊力哈木获颁共产主义受难者基金会人权奖 (Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation honors Ilham Tohti with Human Rights Award)
Voice of America, July 24, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

中国二季度关闭两千多家网站 再掀大规模网络整治风暴 (China shuts down more than 2,000 websites in Q2 as storm of large-scale clean-up moves through the Internet)
Radio Free Asia, July 24, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China orders US consulate in Chengdu to close as tensions rise
The Guardian, July 24, 2020

蓬佩奥发表“新铁幕演讲” 呼吁世界和中国人“改变中国共产党” (In "New Iron Curtain Speech," Pompeo urges the world and Chinese people to "change the conduct of Communist Party of China")
British Broadcasting Corporation, July 24, 2020

Speech by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo: “Communist China and the Free World’s Future”
U.S. Department of State, July 23, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

研究称大疆无人机控制应用存在安全漏洞 (Popular Chinese-Made Drone Is Found to Have Security Weakness)
The New York Times, July 24, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong protests: trio cleared of rioting, but husband and wife guilty of radio offence
South China Morning Post, July 24, 2020

National security law: EU proposes cutting off Hong Kong’s access to goods used in surveillance and ‘internal repression’
South China Morning Post, July 24, 2020

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

190团体吁终结新疆强迫劳动 向服饰品牌施压 (Groups call for end to forced labor in Xinjiang, pressure aimed at apparel brands)
Deutsche Welle, July 23, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

因批习获罪? 任志强被指贪污遭开除党籍移送法办 (Guilty for criticizing Xi? Ren Zhiqiang, expelled from CPC, faces criminal prosecution for corruption)
Radio France International, July 23, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

“重拳利剑” - 中国开启新一轮网络整治 ("Heavy fist and sharp sword": China launches new campaign to bring Internet under control)
Deutsche Welle, July 23, 2020

国家网信办针对网络传播秩序突出问题亮利剑出重拳 集中整治商业网站平台和“自媒体”违法违规行为 (CAC takes sharp sword and heavy fist against acute problems in Internet dissemination order, centralizes control of violations of laws and regulations by commercial and “self-media” web platforms), July 23, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China ‘set to shut US consulate’ in response to Houston closure, and denies Covid-19 is a factor
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2020

US prosecutors say Chinese researcher is evading arrest in San Francisco consulate
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

US Senate panel unanimously approves ban on TikTok on government devices
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2020

法国网络安全局ANSSI确认:华为设备也将被法国网络逐步排除 (French Nat’l Cybersecurity Agency ANSSI confirms gradual phaseout of Huawei equipment from French networks)
Radio France Internationale, July 23, 2020

滥用科技侵犯人权 中共再成众矢之的 (Abusing technology to violate human rights: CPC is again the target)
Voice of America, July 23, 2020

USCIRF Virtual Hearing on Technological Surveillance of Religion in China
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, July 22, 2020

U.S. Senate report accuses China of 'digital authoritarianism'
Reuters, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Beijing threatens to stop recognising Hong Kong BN(O) passports in retaliation for British offer to city residents
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2020

【稱違限聚令】警方自行定義「記者」票控網媒學生報 記協:無法律基礎 (Hong Kong Journalists Association: Police’s ticketing web media, student newspaper journalists for gathering ban violation lacks legal basis)
CitizenNews, July 23, 2020

港區國安法|德外長:將推出回應措施 如簡化港人入境限制及終止與港引渡協議等 (German Foreign Minister on National Security Law for Hong Kong: Countermeasures will include reducing entry restrictions for Hong Kong residents, terminating extradition agreement with Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 23, 2020

《港區國安法》爭議多 終院最資深海外非常任法官賀輔明勳爵:問題將需要回答 (Lord Hoffmann, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong, on National Security Law: Controversial questions will need answering)
The Stand News, July 23, 2020

歐盟香港報告憂國安法毀兩制 港府斥毫無根據 不認同區會選舉和平進行 (Hong Kong gov’t slams EU concerns over National Security Law’s destruction of “One country, two systems” as unfounded, disagrees with characterization of district council elections as peaceful)
The Stand News, July 23, 2020

Hong Kong 2019 Annual Report: an exceptionally challenging year
European Commission, July 22, 2020

國際工聯:香港勞權惡化與中國屬同級別 侵害勞權公司國泰榜上有名 (Int’l Trade Union Confederation: Worker's rights in Hong Kong has sunk to the same level as China; Cathay Pacific is listed as a violator of worker's rights), July 23, 2020

2020 ITUC Global Rights Index: The World's Worst Countries for Workers
International Trade Union Confederation, June 18, 2020

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

维权律师丁家喜传看守所遭受酷刑 (Family of rights defense lawyer Ding Jiaxi: Ding is reportedly tortured in detention center)
Radio Free Asia, July 22, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China says US ordered abrupt closure of its Houston consulate
The Guardian, July 22, 2020

China Uses W.H.O. Inquiry to Tout Coronavirus Response

The New York Times, July 22, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Hackers linked to China allegedly stole data from Australian defence contractor
The Guardian, July 22, 2020

Cytus II game removed in China over links to pro-Hong Kong morse code message
The Guardian, July 21, 2020

U.S. Accuses Hackers of Trying to Steal Coronavirus Vaccine Data for China

The New York Times, July 21, 2020

美国起诉两名中国公民发动黑客攻击 (U.S. sues 2 Chinese citizens for hacking activities)
Voice of America, July 22, 2020

费加罗:网攻,假信息,盯工业…中国间谍强大攻势 (Le Figaro: Cyberattacks, disinformation, industrial surveillance— the great offensive of Chinese spies, Part 1)
费加罗:网攻,假信息,盯工业…中国间谍强大攻势(下)(Le Figaro: Cyberattacks, disinformation, industrial surveillance— the great offensive of Chinese spies, Part 2)
Radio France International, July 22, 2020

Cyberattaques, désinformation, surveillance industrielle... La grande offensive des espions chinois
Le Figaro Magazine, July 17, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Britain unveils details of citizenship offer for Hongkongers with BN(O) passports
South China Morning Post, July 22, 2020

7.21一周年|159人違限聚令遭票控 警指網媒學生記者非豁免人士 (At 7.21 Yuen Long Attack anniversary rally, police ticketed 159 people for gathering ban violation, including journalists and students)
HK01, July 22, 2020

曾被提點「小心觸犯國安法」 漫畫家阿塗《明周》專欄被腰斬 (Ming Pao Weekly drops political cartoonist Ah To's column after previously urging him to be careful about "National Security Law violation")
The Stand News, July 22, 2020

Commentary (评论)

施明磊: 有关恐惧,有关医治——程渊妻子的一周年回忆 (Shi Minglei: About terror and medical treatment—Chen Yuan’s wife on the one-year anniversary of his arrest)
Human Rights in China, July 21, 2020

长沙公益仨 (The Case of the Changsha Three)
Human Rights in China, May 2020

吴有水:我和我的儿子吴葛健雄——献给我的儿子吴葛健雄被捕一周年 (Wu Youshui: My son, Wu Gejianxing, and I —— Writing to my son on the one-year anniversary of his arrest)
Weiquanwang, July 21, 2020

吴有水:我和我的儿子吴葛健雄之二 (Wu Youshui: My son, Wu Gejianxiong, and I, Part 2)
Weiquanwang, July 22, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

US blacklists 11 more Chinese firms over treatment of Uygurs in Xinjiang
South China Morning Post, July 21, 2020

《解放报》:对维吾尔人的种族屠杀正在进行 (Libération: The ongoing Uyghur genocide)
Radio France International, July 21, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Scholar Hits Out at China's 'Totalitarian' System in Open Letter
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

北京监控延伸澳洲 警方命中国女删推特 (Beijing’s surveillance reaches Australia, police order Chinese woman to delete Twitter posts)
Deutsche Welle, July 21, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

法国参议员 André Gattolin:欧盟将在年底通过欧盟的马格尼茨基法案 (French Senator André Gattolin: European Union will pass EU Magnitsky Act at end of year)
Radio France Internationale, July 21, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

美共和党议员敦促行政当局对中国黑客进行追责 (Republican U.S. representatives urge Trump Administration to condemn hacking activities from China)
Voice of America, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Britain suspends Hong Kong extradition treaty over national security law
South China Morning Post, July 20, 2020

特區政府強烈反對英國停移交逃犯 批雙重標準政治操作 (HKSAR gov't strongly opposes UK’s suspension of extradition agreement with Hong Kong, calling it a political move with double standards)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 21, 2020

英中止與港引渡協議 中國駐英使館譴責:英再次違反國際法 (Spokesperson of Chinese embassy in UK: UK has once again violated international law in suspending extradition agreement with Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong protests: activist holding banner arrested on suspicion of breaking new security law at anniversary of Yuen Long attack
South China Morning Post, July 21, 2020

Pro-democracy election hopefuls refuse to sign form declaring China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, July 21, 2020

美参议员提出允许香港人在美国工作的法案 (U.S. Senator Ron Wyden introduces bill to allow Hong Kong people to work in U.S.)
Voice of America, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong People's Freedom and Choice Act
Senator Ron Wyden, July 20, 2020

香港九月立法会选举充满变数 北京多套方案打压民主派参选人 (Facing uncertainties in LegCo elections, Beijing prepares multiple strategies to suppress democratic candidates)
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020

香港民研:自由、法治評分創新低 鍾劍華批國安法製造負面情緒 (Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute: Freedom and rule of law ratings at record low; deputy chief executive officer Chung Kim-Wa cites National Security Law as source of negative sentiments), July 21, 2020

POP releases the latest social and freedom indicators
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, July 21, 2020

Commentary (评论)

「七二一」須跟進 警政改革待展開 (Investigation of 7.21 Yuen Long Attack must be followed up on; police reform needs to be launched)
HK01, July 21, 2020

周日話題:7.21誰主真相? (Sunday Topic: Who owns the truth of 7.21 Yuen Long Attack?)
Ming Pao, July 19, 2020

【特寫】7.21、8.31 及無數疑團 民間能獨立調查「香港的真相」嗎? (7.21, 8.31, and numerous unsolved cases—can civil society independently investigate "the truth of Hong Kong"?)
The Stand News, July 21, 2020

背离“韬光养晦”强化“战狼”外交 中国成立习近平外交思想研究中心 (Deviating from "hiding one's capacity and biding one’s time" to strengthen "wolf warrior" diplomacy, China establishes Xi Jinping Research Center for Diplomatic Thought)
Radio Free Asia, July 21, 2020

习近平外交思想研究中心成立仪式在北京举行 (Xi Jinping Research Center for Diplomatic Thought is established in Beijing)
Xinhua, July 20, 2020

"中共不代表中国"——美国政治拆分触动北京 ("CPC Does Not Represent China": U.S. political differentiation stirs Beijing)
Deutsche Welle, July 21, 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China Is Using Uighur Labor to Produce Face Masks

The New York Times, July 20, 2020

China's UK ambassador denies abuse of Uighurs despite fresh drone footage
The Guardian, July 19, 2020

五名流亡法国的维族人的受迫害经历 (Five Uyghurs exiled in France recount persecution)
Radio France Internationale, July 20, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

丁家喜传狱中遭酷刑 其妻:北京用秘密关押散播恐惧 (Lawyer Ding Jiaxi reveals being tortured in prison; his wife: Beijing uses secret detention to spread fear)
Deutsche Welle, July 20, 2020

被指嫖娼获释后首发公开信 许章润:极权必败 自由终将降临 (Xu Zhangrun, in open letter following prostitution accusation: Totalitarianism will fail, freedom will come in the end)
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Security law: China's first climate striker warned: give it up or you can't go back to school
The Guardian, July 19, 2020

新西兰朝野两党一样“红”均被揭发收取中共捐献 (Both New Zealand’s ruling and opposition parties are shown to have taken donations from CPC)
Radio France Internationale, July 20, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong launches bid for parliament
The Telegraph, July 20, 2020

Any UK move to suspend extradition treaty interferes in domestic affairs and will meet retaliation, says China
South China Morning Post, July 20, 2020

港區國安法|圖書館覆檢敏感書 獨立書店稱未減少出售政治書 (Sensitive books under library's review in light of National Security Law can still be found in independent bookstores)
HK01, July 29, 2020

港大新聞系總監:不因國安法改變 續教學生報道真相 籲勿因恐懼自設紅線 (Director of HKU Journalism and Media Studies Centre: We do not intend to do anything different under the National Security Law; will continue teaching journalism that speaks truth to power; do not self-censor out of fear)
The Stand News, July 17, 2020

7.21事件一年前夕 元朗區議員發起遊行 防暴警形點商場舉紫旗 (Yuen Long district council member organizes rally to mark anniversary of Yuen Long Attack; riot police raise purple flag in mall)
Ming Pao, July 19, 2020

黃之鋒岑敖暉表明不會簽確認書 (Joshua Wong, Lester Shum will not sign loyalty confirmation as Legco election candidates)
Ming Pao, July 18, 2020

民權觀察就選舉政治篩選情況發表報告 (Civil Rights Observer publishes report on political screening of election candidates in Hong Kong), July 17, 2020

Report on Political Screening in Hong Kong: Disqualification of Election Candidates and Legislators
Civil Rights Observer, July 16, 2020

香港美国商会称取消香港特殊待遇将伤害美在港企业 (AmCham: The revocation of Hong Kong's special trade status will hurt American businesses in Hong Kong)
Voice of America, July 18, 2020

Response of AmCham HK to President Trump’s Revocation of Hong Kong’s Special Trading Status
The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, july 17, 2020

Commentary (评论)

談《港區國安法》(上篇):立法特色 (About the National Security Law—Part 1: Legislative characteristics)
CitizenNews, July 17, 2020

談《港區國安法》(下篇):對言論自由和新聞自由的影響 (About the National Security Law—Part 2: Impact on freedom of speech and the press)
CitizenNews, July 19, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

专访:中国已无空间继续从事维权行动 (Interview with citizen journalist: There is no longer room in China for continuing rights defense work)
Deutsche Welle, July 17, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

人不在中國,就能放心用中國App?德國商店引進微信支付與支付寶,情報單位警告有風險 (Can one rest assured using Chinese apps outside of China? German intelligence agency warns risks to stores accepting WeChat Pay or AliPay)
The News Lens, July 17, 2020

國安法壓港 VPN 服務商 TunnelBear 將撤走港伺服器 ProtonVPN:香港列作高風險地區 (Under National Security Law, VPN provider TunnelBear to remove servers from Hong Kong, and ProtonVPN lists Hong Kong as high-risk region)
The Stand News, July 17, 2020

美司法部长讲话全文:硅谷与好莱坞应停止叩头 抵抗中共腐败独裁统治 (Full text of U.S. Attorney General’s speech: Silicon Valley, Hollywood should stop kowtowing to and start resisting CPC’s corrupt dictatorship)
Voice of America, July 17, 2020

Video: Attorney General Barr’s remarks on china policy at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential museum
U.S. Department of Justice, July 16, 2020

费加罗:中国间谍强大攻势 (Figaro: Powerful offensive of Chinese spies)
Radio France International, July 17, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: double criminality should apply, China law expert says
South China Morning Post, July 17, 2020

Britain’s plan to extend citizenship to young Hongkongers short on detail
South China Morning Post, July 17, 2020

Taiwan official leaves Hong Kong after refusing to sign ‘One China’ statement – report
Hong Kong Free Press, July 17, 2020

Security law: US to halt training for Hong Kong police; Fulbright scholarships axed
Hong Kong Free Press, July 17, 2020

U.K. Judges May Quit Hong Kong in Wake of National Security Law
Bloomberg, July 17, 2020

美國取消特殊地位後 香港經濟的未來 (Hong Kong's economic future after U.S. cancels its special status)
Deutsche Welle, July 17, 2020

香港郵政:任何人不得投寄違法或令人反感等物品 (Hong Kong Post: No one may mail illegal or disturbing materials)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 16, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Hong Kong's national security laws are designed to make the media self-censor
The Guardian, July 13, 2020

Kicked Out of China, and Other Real-Life Costs of a Geopolitical Meltdown

The New York Times, July 17, 2020

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

“大外宣”,大规模对外国人洗脑 (How China brainwashes foreigners on a large scale)
Voice of America, July 16, 2020

中国再掀政治教育推“四史” 要求小学生向成年人灌输党史 (China renews push for political education and "Four Histories," requires elementary school students to inculcate party history in adults)
Radio Free Asia, July 15, 2020

“四史”教育新探索,6名小学生化身讲解员 (In new exploration of "Four Histories" education, 6 elementary school students become docents)
Youth Daily, July 13, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

U.S. Weighs Sweeping Travel Ban on Chinese Communist Party Members
The New York Times, July 15, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

US threatens sanctions against Huawei employees and business partners
The Guardian, July 15, 2020

华为“侵犯人权”美国限制中国科技公司员工入境签证 (U.S. restricts entry visas for employees of Chinese tech companies which violate human rights, including Huawei)
BBC, July 15, 2020

TikTok Enlists Army of Lobbyists as Suspicions Over China Ties Grow

The New York Times, July 16, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police admit plainclothes officers were present in Yuen Long before mob attack
Hong Kong Free Press, July 16, 2020

China’s Activists Mourn the Loss of Hong Kong’s Glimmer of Hope
The Diplomat, July 16, 2020

Outrage Over China’s Treatment of Hong Kong Galvanizes the West
The Wall Street Journal, July 16, 2020

除了香港,南海和新疆也一直是中美关系紧张的核心 (Besides Hong Kong, South China Sea and Xinjiang have always been the core of tensions between U.S. and China)
Radio France International, July 16, 2020

美國駐華大使促中方恢復香港的自由權 (U.S. Ambassador calls on China to restore Hong Kong's liberties)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 16, 2020

Ambassador Terry Branstad’s meeting with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zheng Zeguang
U.S. Embassy & Consulates in China, July 16, 2020

中国召见美国大使,中国官版记述片面 美大使被静音 (Official Chinese account shows U.S. ambassador silent in meeting with PRC deputy foreign minister)
Voice of America, July 16, 2020

港區國安法|華爾街日報、華盛頓郵報等駐港外媒考慮或調離人手 (Foreign media including Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, are considering moving staff out of Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 16, 2020

【一國一制】《紐時》記者儲百亮遭北京驅逐 港府也拒續批簽證 保護記者委員會促撤決定 (CPJ urges Hong Kong to reverse decision to deny visa to New York Times journalist Chris Buckley, who was expelled by Beijing)
The Stand News, July 16, 2020

Hong Kong denies work permit to New York Times correspondent Chris Buckley
Committee to Protect Journalists, July 15, 2020

香港《国安法》实施之后: 在港外国公司何去何从 (Where will foreign businesses go after implementation of National Security Law in Hong Kong?)
BBC, July 16, 2020

Commentary (评论)

The World’s Most Technologically Sophisticated Genocide Is Happening in Xinjiang
Foreign Policy, July 15, 2020

时事大家谈:专访林培瑞和黎安友:美中关系为何在习时代翻船?(Interview with Perry Link and Andrew Nathan: Why did US-China relations capsize in the Xi era?)
Voice of America, July 16, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

新冠疫情:世卫组织入中国展开病毒起源调查之际,北京加强实验室监管 (COVID-19 in China: WHO experts arrived in China to investigate virus oirgin, Beijing strengthens lab regulations)
BBC, July 15, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Chinese media calls for 'pain' over UK Huawei ban as Trump claims credit
The Guardian, July 15, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China promises sanctions for US ending of Hong Kong preferential status
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

US President Donald Trump signs Hong Kong Autonomy Act, and ends the city’s preferential trade status
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

華春瑩指香港自治法案詆毀港區國安法 粗暴干涉內政 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Hua Chunying: Hong Kong Autonomy Act defames the National Security Law for Hong Kong, rudely interferes in China’s internal affairs)
Radio Television Hong Kong

香港中联办声明:坚决反对美国粗暴干涉香港事务 (LOCPG statement: Strongly oppose rude U.S. interference in Hong Kong's affairs)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., July 15, 2020

国务院港澳办强烈谴责美方将“香港自治法案”签署成法 (Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office issues strong condemnation of U.S. promulgation of Hong Kong Autonomy Act)
Xinhua, July 15, 2020

Hong Kong protests: opposition party leader, four others arrested for alleged unlawful assembly near PolyU in November
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

National security law: former Hong Kong lawmaker who helped guide opposition primary steps down amid Beijing warnings
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

Hong Kong protests: opposition activists facing range of criminal charges drop legal challenge against court switch
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

New York Times Will Move Part of Hong Kong Office to Seoul

The New York Times, July 15, 2020

《港區國安法》通過後,媒體界的寒蟬效應已經開始發生 (Chilling effect of National Security Law for Hong Kong has begun spreading through media)
The News Lens, July 15, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Practical issues of the National Security Law to be resolved- Grenville Cross SC
CitizenNews, July 15, 2020

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Joint Letter calling on the Government of Canada to Invoke Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Sanctions) against PRC & Hong Kong Officials
Alliance Canada Hong Kong, July 14, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

China leadership critic Xu Zhangrun sacked one day after release, friends say
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2020

许章润教授被清华以"道德败坏"为由革职 (Professor Xu Zhangrun dismissed by Tsinghua University for "moral corruption")
Deutsche Welle, July 14, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

肺炎受害者家属索赔反遭当局胁迫 (Family member of COVID-19 victim seeking government compensation is threatened by authorities to withdraw claim)
Radio Free Asia, July 13, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

U.K. Bars Huawei From 5G Network, Raising Tensions With China
The New York Times, July 14, 2020

英国宣布弃用华为 北京密切关注 (Beijing is closely tracking UK’s decision to drop Huawei from 5G)
British Broadcasting Corporation, July 14, 2020

金盾工程:數字監控技術如何改變中國政府的維穩偏好 (Golden Shield Project: How digital surveillance technology changes Chinese government's preference in ways to maintain stability)
The Initium, July 14, 2020

抖音又有麻烦 微信也被“拖下水”?(Will WeChat be drawn into the new problem faced by Douyin?)
Radio Free Asia, July 13, 2020

Hong Kong, 香港

Hong Kong primaries: China declares pro-democracy polls 'illegal'
The Guardian, July 14, 2020

Hong Kong elections: Beijing accuses Occupy protest leader Benny Tai of breaking national security law through primary poll
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2020

香港中联办发言人:严厉谴责反对派策动非法“初选”破坏立法会选举公平 决不允许外部势力操控香港政治事务 (LOCPG spokesperson: Harshly condemn opposition faction for instigating illegal “primaries” to undermine the fairness of legislative elections; never allow foreign forces to manipulate Hong Kong political affairs)
The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., July 13, 2020

国务院港澳办:绝不允许操控香港立法会选举 (HKMAO: Never allow manipulation of Hong Kong legislative elections)
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, July 14, 2020

Hong Kong Voters Defy Beijing, Endorsing Protest Leaders in Primary

The New York Times, July 14, 2020

特首:若初選目的是達至對抗政府 或違港區國安法 (Carrie Lam: If these primaries aim to oppose the government, they may violate the National Security Law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 14, 2020

選管會:初選不構成立法會選舉程序一部分 籲參與選舉活動時留意《國安法》條文 (Electoral Affairs Commission: Primaries do not constitute a part of the legislative election process, participants should pay attention to National Security Law)
The Stand News, July 14, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Life in Hong Kong Has Always Been Impossible

The New York Times, July 14, 2020

Monday, July 13, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

China announces retaliatory sanctions against Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz
The Guardian, July 13, 2020

2020年7月13日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会 (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Press Briefing, July 13, 2020)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, July 13, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Xu Zhangrun, prominent critic of Xi Jinping, released from detention
The Guardian, July 12, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

In echo of Mao era, China's schools in book-cleansing drive
Reuters, July 9, 2020

全中国清理学校图书馆 文革以来首次 (For the first time since the Cultural Revolution, school libraries across China are being “cleaned up”)
Deutsche Welle, July 11, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

德国总统:无视国际法 中国会面临严重后果 (German President: China will face serious consequences for ignoring international law)
Deutsche Welle, July 13, 2020

中国病毒专家揭露 北京早知新冠疫情人传人 (Chinese virus expert: Beijing had early knowledge of human-to-human transmission of new coronavirus)
Radio France Internationale, July 11, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

封网禁言只是时间问题?外国科技公司恐因国安法离开香港 (Is it just a matter of time before the Internet is censored? Foreign tech companies may leave Hong Kong due to National Security Law)
Voice of America, July 12, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s traditional opposition parties lose out to localist challengers in fierce weekend primary for coming Legislative Council election
South China Morning Post, July 13, 2020

‘Hong Kong people made history again’: Over 600,000 vote in democrats’ primaries as co-organiser hails ‘miracle’ turnout
Hong Kong Free Press, July 12, 2020

香港60万人参与民主派初选 继续选还是DQ北京两难 (More than 600,000 Hong Kongers voted in democratic primaries; Beijing’s dilemma: disqualify candidates or postpone upcoming legislative elections)
Radio Free Asia, July 13, 2020

政制及內地事務局稱民主派初選涉干預操弄選舉等投訴 (Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau claims it has received complaints regarding manipulation, interference in the democratic primaries)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 13, 2020

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai and 12 others face incitement charges over June 4 Tiananmen vigil
South China Morning Post, July 13, 2020

Australia to offer 10,000 Hong Kongers chance at permanent residency
Independent, July 12, 2020

港大法律學院院長稱國安法令中港雙輸 55條很辣 傅華伶:啟動即無兩制 (Fu Hualing, Dean of HKU Faculty of Law: National Security Law is lose-lose for China and Hong Kong; implementation sounds a death knell for “one country, two systems”)
Ming Pao, July 13, 2020

林鄭月娥︰年輕一代出現問題或因教育被政治化 (Carrie Lam: Education politicization may be the cause of problems in the young generation)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 11, 2020

【美商會調查】國安法下過半受訪企業考慮離港 (Latest survey by the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong shows more than 50% of American businesses in Hong Kong consider leaving under the National Security Law)
CitizenNews, July 13, 2020

AmCham Temperature Survey Findings National Security Law July 2020
American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, July 13, 2020

Commentary (评论)

小孩子唱歌怎可能危害國家安全? (How does children's singing harm national security?)
The Stand News, July 10, 2020

The Chinese Decade

The New York Times, July 13, 2020

Friday, July 10, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

US sanctions Chinese government officials over treatment of Uygurs in Xinjiang
South China Morning Post, July 10, 2020

U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Chinese Officials Over Mass Detention of Muslims

The New York Times, July 10, 2020

披露新疆再教育营 中国要起诉德国学者?(China to sue German scholar for disclosure of Xinjiang re-education camps?)
Deutsche Welle, July 10, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang petitions to overturn subversion verdict
South China Morning Post, July 10, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

8 Questions From a Disease Detective on the Pandemic’s Origins

The New York Times, July 10, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

美证监会探讨中概股风险 中企被“武器化”?(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission discusses risk of Chinese stocks, Chinese SOEs being "weaponized"?)
Radio Free Asia, July 9, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police raid office of pro-democracy camp primary election co-organisers PORI; seize PCs
Hong Kong Free Press, July 10, 2020

Hong Kong protests: top court to hear legal challenge against mask ban
South China Morning Post, July 10, 2020

National security law: Hong Kong civil servants not allowed to join anti-government protests under new proposals, city minister warns
South China Morning Post, July 10, 2020

《緊急法》合憲否 上訴庭批政府泛民上訴終院許可 (Court of Final Appeal approves pan-democratic's judicial review request on the legality of Emergency Law and Anti-mask Law)
Ming Pao, July 10, 2020

國際記者看《港區國安法》:法案的意義不是要讓你懂,而是要讓你怕 (An international journalist's view on the National Security Law: The meaning is not for you to know but to be scared)
The News Lens, July 10, 2020

HRIC annotated bilingual chart of The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Human Rights in China, July 5, 2020

香港立法会选举:民主派面对《国安法》与“不割席”的考验 (As legislative elections approach: Democrats face dilemma between National Security Law and being connected with protesters)
BBC, July 10, 2020

Commentary (评论)

政治安全机构与许章润被抓:中国进入至暗时刻 (Political security agency and Xu Zhangrun’s arrest: China enters darkest hour)
Voice of America, July 10, 2020

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

维吾尔一商人全家被判刑或失踪 (Entire family of Uyghur businessman is sentenced or missing)
Radio Free Asia, July 9, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

欧盟要求中国释放人权律师 (On 5th anniversary of 709 Crackdown, EU demands unconditional release of Chinese human rights lawyers)
Deutsche Welle, July 9, 2020

“709”大抓捕5周年 蓬佩奥敦促中国履行国际人权义务(On 5th anniversary of 709 Crackdown, U.S. Secretary of State urges China to fulfill its international human rights obligations)
Voice of America, July 9, 2020

Fifth Anniversary of 709 Crackdown: Updated Chart of Persecution of Lawyers and Legal and Rights Advocates
Human Rights in China, July 9, 2020

709五周年王全璋自辩词网络公开:所有冤假错案必须被平反 (On 5th anniversary of 709 Crackdown, lawyer Wang Quanzhang’s defense statement goes online: All cases of miscarriage of justice must be overturned)
Radio France Internationale, July 9, 2020

王全璋:政治、司法迫害要依法,要專業,要靠譜(自辯詞) (Wang Quanzhang's self-defense statement: Political and judicial persecution versus rule of law, professionalism, and common sense)
CitizenNews, July 9, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

Vast majority of US research institute disclosure violations related to China
South China Morning Post, July 9, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

英国监管机构裁决中国央媒报道韩飞龙案违反公平和隐私原则 (Ofcom rules that CTGN reporting on Peter Humphrey violates fairness, privacy principles)
British Broadcasting Corporation, July 8, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Australian experts raise security concerns about Chinese maker of Andrew Forrest Covid-19 tests
The Guardian, July 8, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Australia suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong, offers pathway to residency for Hongkongers
South China Morning Post, July 9, 2020

Australia Halts Hong Kong Extradition Agreement and Expands Visa Program

The New York Times, July 9, 2020

【國安法】新西蘭宣佈重新審視與港關係 包括引渡協議、出口管制 (New Zealand to review relation with Hong Kong, including extradition agreement and import/export control)
The Stand News, July 9, 2020

Hong Kong opposition parties warned weekend primary could break national security and election laws
South China Morning Post, July 9, 2020

曾國衞向傳媒稱民主派初選或違反選舉條例及港區國安法 (Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Erick Tsang, tells media pro-democracy primaries may have violated Elections Ordinance, National Security Law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 9, 2020

709事件五周年 国际人权活动家忧心香港成新目标 (On 5th anniversary of 709 Crackdown, international human rights activist is worried Hong Kong will become the new target)
Radio Free Asia, July 9, 2020

China’s Leash on Hong Kong Tightens, Choking a Broadcaster

The New York Times, July 9, 2020

Commentary (评论)

5 years on: I was one of China’s rights lawyers – detained, tortured but hopeful for the future
Hong Kong Free Press, July 9, 2020

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Flying Against the Wind Amid a Grim Situation — China Human Rights Lawyers Group’s Statement on the 5th Anniversary of the “709” Crackdown
China Change, July 9, 2020

Chen Jiangang: The Plight of Chinese Human Rights Lawyers
Human Rights in China, July 6, 2020

「709」五週年家屬感言:風雨同舟 (Family members speak out on 5th anniversary of 709 Crackdown: We will walk through the storm together), July 8, 2020

「709」後中國維權律師運動 (Rights defense lawyers' movement in post-709 Crackdown China), July 8, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China blackmailing dissenters in US to return home – FBI chief
The Guardian, July 7, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong civil servants employed from July 1 to be required in writing to swear allegiance, uphold Basic Law
South China Morning Post, July 8, 2020

Hong Kong national security law: lawyers warn of loss of checks and balances on police power as rules remove traditional judicial safeguards
South China Morning Post, July 8, 2020

‘Direct infringement’: critics air privacy concerns over Hong Kong police telecom interception powers
Hong Kong Free Press, July 8, 2020

【酒店改建國安公署揭幕】駱惠寧:國家司法制度健全 公署是「香港安全的使者」 (At opening ceremony of the hotel-transformed Office for Safeguarding National Security, Luo Huining: China's legislative system is well developed; OSNS is China’s emissary for Hong Kong's security)
CitizenNews, July 8, 2020

國安公署揭幕 駱惠寧致辭全文 稱公署是國安守門人 (Full text of Luo Huining's speech at the opening ceremony of the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
HK01, July 8, 2020

特首稱與國安公署設協作機制 加強訊息共享及行動配合 (Carrie Lam: Hong Kong government to establish collaboration mechanism with OSNS, to enhance information exchange and collaborative actions)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 8, 2020

国务院港澳办:坚决支持和配合驻港国家安全公署履职尽责 (Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office: Firmly support and collaborate with the OSNS to fulfill its duties and responsibilities)
Xinhua, July 8, 2020

In Hong Kong, a Proxy Battle Over Internet Freedom Begins

The New York Times, July 8, 2020

香港推出国安实施细则,中国网络控制急速移植香港 (China’s Internet control model seeps rapidly into Hong Kong as government releases National Security Law implementation rules)
Voice of America, July 8, 2020

警方膝跪壓頸制服示威者 李家超︰無計劃禁止鎖頸式武力 (Secretary for Security John Lee: No plan to ban non-lethal forces of knee-on-neck hold and chokeholds)
HK01, July 8, 2020

楊潤雄:校內不應奏唱《榮光》 築人鏈屬煽動同學 (Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung: “Glory to Hong Kong” should not play in schools; human chain is “incitement”)
HK01, July 8, 2020

Commentary (评论)

《港區國安法》對香港法律體系的十大衝擊 (National Security Law’s 10 impacts on Hong Kong's legal system)
The News Lens, July 8, 2020

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

Uighur Exiles Push for Court Case Accusing China of Genocide

The New York Times, July 7, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

教宗方济各讲稿被删减 闭口不谈香港 (Pope Francis skips planned mention of Hong Kong in speech)
Deutsche Welle, July 7, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

中共当局忧虑政权安全设立政治安全警察领导机构 (Concerned with regime security, CPC establishes police leadership agency for political security)
Voice of America, July 7, 2020

平安中国建设协调小组政治安全专项组第一次会议召开 (Building Ping’an (peaceful and safe) China Coordination Small-Group convenes first meeting of its political security team)
Procuratorate Daily, July 6, 2020

美众院外委会共和党人有关新冠疫情起源及中共角色的调查报告全文(U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Michael McCaul discusses interim report released in June on origins of COVID-19 global pandemic and China’s role)
Voice of America, July 7, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s press freedom hits record low, amid fears of uncertainty over national security law
South China Morning Post, July 7, 2020

HRIC annotated bilingual chart of The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Human Rights in China, July 5, 2020

記協:香港新聞自由已到危急存亡之秋 (Hong Kong Journalists Association: Press freedom in Hong Kong is in imminent danger)
CitizenNews, July 7, 2020

2020言論自由年報 危城下的自由
Hong Kong Journalists Association, July 7, 2020

Hong Kong national security law: citizenship not prerequisite for judges’ appointment to cases, minister says in clearest indication yet on issue
South China Morning Post, July 7, 2020

香港《国安法》:港府订立搜查监听细则引发更多质疑 (More questions emerge as Hong Kong gov’t releases the Operating Principles and Guidelines for Application for Authorization to Conduct Interception and Covert Surveillance)
BBC, July 7, 2020

Operating Principles and Guidelines for Application for Authorization to Conduct Interception and Covert Surveillance--Issued Pursuant to Section 20 of Schedule 6 of the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region Gazette, July 6, 2020

香港国安法细则出台 冻结私人财产引担忧 (Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the National Security Law raise concerns over freezing personal assets)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2020

陸委會譴責國安法實施細則 斥定義模糊 「極權政體無限擴權的思想審查」 (Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council condemns the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the National Security Law as vague and overbroad thought censorship by a totalitarian regime with unlimited power)
The Stand News, July 7, 2020

國際網絡組織 Access Now 批國安法擴大警權 削弱人權 (Access Now, Internet freedom INGO, criticizes Implementation Rules of Article 43 of National Security Law for empowering police to weak human rights)
The Stand News, July 7, 2020