Arrested Hong Kong media tycoon tells Apple Daily staff to ‘fight on’
Agence France-Presse, August 12, 2020
黎智英等人獲准保釋,周庭:「爭取香港民主自由,我無悔」 (Jimmy Lai and others released on bail; Agnes Chow: I do not regret fighting for democracy)
The News Lens, August 12, 2020
Agnes Chow: Hong Kong activist hailed as the 'real Mulan'
British Broadcasting Corporation, August 12, 2020
記協去信鄧炳強 促取消自行定義篩選「可信媒體」採訪 (Hong Kong Journalists Association urges Hong Kong Police Commissioner to scrap trusted media policy)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 12, 2020
城大副教授民調涉國安法 民調公司YouGov稱或違法要求刪走部分問題 (Survey company YouGov drops questions related to National Security Law included by City University professor)
CitizenNews, August 12, 2020
蔡英文籲大陸與港人對話解決爭議 承諾續人道協助港人 (Tsai Ing-wen urges Mainland China and Hong Kong to solve disputes diplomatically, promises to provide humanitarian assistance to Hong Kongers)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 12, 2020