Jimmy Lai says swift arrest points to 'great disorder' between Hong Kong and China police
The Guardian, August 13, 2020
香港为何向黎智英开刀?蓬佩奥深表担忧 (Why did Hong Kong arrest Jimmy Lai? Pompeo expresses deep concern)
Radio Free Asia, August 10, 2020
警欲破解手機 李柱銘等人提覆核質疑手令範圍太闊 (Martin Lee and others request judicial review of police's broad powers to search phones)
Apple Daily, August 13, 2020
羅冠聰港台受訪節目下架 港台:涉國安法被通緝 羅:被通緝者有沒有受訪的權利? (RTHK removes interview with Nathan Law; Law: does a fugitive have the right to be interviewed?)
CitizenNews, August 13, 2020
Some four in 10 AmCham members considering leaving Hong Kong over national security law fears, survey finds
South China Morning Post, August 13, 2020