Meet the transnationals: They moved to Canada but never really left Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, August 28, 2020
調查:逾半受訪市民支持全部民主派議員離開立法會 (54% of surveyed residents favor democratic Legislative Councilors to leave LegCo)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 28, 2020
林卓廷:從沒想過警方以暴動罪拘捕他 憂有更多7.21受害者被捕 (Lam Cheuk-ting: Never thought police would charge me with rioting; fear arrests of more 7.21 Yuen Long Attack victims)
Ming Pao, August 28, 2020
華潤旗下便利店停售《蘋果日報》 (China Resources-owned convenience store, VanGO, stops selling Apple Daily)
Deutsche Welle, August 28, 2020