25 Hong Kong activists charged for taking part in ‘unauthorised’ Tiananmen massacre vigil
Agence France-Presse, August 6, 2020
Delayed work visas for foreign journalists in Hong Kong ‘highly unusual’, says press body as it warns of damage to city’s reputation
South China Morning Post, August 6, 2020
FCC Statement on Journalist Visas in Hong Kong
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, August 6, 2020
律師會晤張曉明 籲先嘗試在特區法律框架解決 (Law Society of Hong Kong to discuss LegCo “vacuum” with Zhang Xiaoming, deputy director of State Council’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office)
HK01, August 6, 2020
反修例運動以來多宗資料外洩 部份受害人指控警方 學者指中旅社內地酒店亦有嫌疑 (Multiple doxxing since start of anti-extradition movement; some victims blame police; scholar suspects involvement of China Travel Service, mainland hotels and public security organs)
The Stand News, August 6, 2020