Hong Kong police refuse to allow mass march, citing Covid-19 restrictions and threat of ‘violent acts’
Hong Kong Free Press, September 25, 2020
National security law: pair arrested over weapons haul suspected of inciting secession, Hong Kong police say
South China Morning Post, September 25, 2020
林鄭月娥凌晨發文支持警方修訂傳媒代表定義 記協極度失望 (Carrie Lam posts on social media in early morning to support police's redefinition of media; Hong Kong Journalists Association: extremely disappointed)
HK01, September 25, 2020
據了解部分港人家屬申請取保候審 內地律師料機會不大 (Family members of some of the 12 Hong Kongers detained in mainland reportedly applied for bail; mainland lawyer: chances are low)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 25, 2020