Explainer | Why escalating row over whether Hong Kong has ‘separation of powers’ in its political system is not just a fight over words
South China Morning Post, September 3, 2020
【三權分立】戴耀廷分析政權「分工論」:謀削法院覆核政策權力 (Benny Tai on government's narrative of “division of powers”: An attempt to weaken court's power to review policies)
Apple Daily, September 2, 2020
Hong Kong protests: boy shot by police officer during Yuen Long demonstration charged with rioting
South China Morning Post, September 4, 2020
元朗7.21事件 警拘一遇襲市民涉暴動 (Police accuse victim in 7.21 Yuen Long Attack of rioting)
Ming Pao, September 3, 2020
市民投訴警方拒披露清場警員姓名編號 申訴專員裁定毋須披露 指增起底風險 (Citing risks of doxxing, Ombudsman rules in favor of police in refusing to disclose ID of officers who cleared protests)
CitizenNews, September 2, 2020
港區國安法:仍欠官方英譯本 (National Security Law for Hong Kong is still missing an official English translation)
CitizenNews, September 3, 2020