Most people in China believe corruption falling, says Transparency International
The Guardian, November 24, 2020
China gives pledge on access for COVID origins probe: WHO
Reuters, November 23, 2020
中国逾八百贫困县脱贫 李克强吁地方政府讲真话 (Li Keqiang urges local officials to tell the truth after they claimed more than 800 counties lifted from poverty)
Radio Free Asia, November 24, 2020
China Says It Remains Open to the World, but Wants to Dictate Terms
The New York Times, November 24, 2020
黄之锋忧港人安危 瑞士议员促终止与中国国安合作 (Swiss MP urges ending “secret agreement” that allows Chinese officials to launch investigations in Switzerland)
Radio Free Asia, November 23, 2020