‘Legal certainty has been greatly impaired’: Hong Kong lawyers voice serious concern at ousting of 4 democrats
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2020
ACTION NO. 1847 OF 2020
The High Court of the H.K.S.A.R., November 13, 2020
国务院港澳办发言人:严厉谴责香港特区立法会部分反对派议员辞职闹剧 (HKMAO spokesperson: Strongly condemn the farce of certain Hong Kong Legislative Council members' resignation)
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, November 12, 2020
Journalists’ protest against producer’s arrest banned by Hong Kong chief sec.
Hong Kong Free Press, November 13, 2020
立法會議員被DQ|蓬佩奧稱中共以扭曲愛國主義扼殺民主 (Pompeo on LegCo members’ disqualification: “CCP’s twisted vision of patriotism is a pretext to stifle freedom and the call for democracy”)
Ming Pao, November 13, 2020
Disqualification of Pan-Democratic Lawmakers in Hong Kong
U.S. Department of State, November 12, 2020
Canada announces new pathway to residency for Hong Kong youth
Aljazeera, November 12, 2020