Hong Kong’s national security police gather evidence at university campus after student protesters chanted independence slogans
South China Morning Post, November 20, 2020
警務處國安處人員到中大校園蒐證 (HKPF national security agents enter CUHK campus to search for evidence)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 20, 2020
Hong Kong police move to suspend alternative identification system after court decision finding complaints system ‘inadequate’
South China Morning Post, November 20, 2020
中聯辦支持特區政府依法查處在中大涉嫌違反國安法行為 (Liaison Office supports HKSAR gov’t’s probe into CUHK students suspected of violating National Security Law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 20, 2020
香港中联办发言人:坚决支持特区政府依法查处在中文大学发生的涉嫌违反国安法行为 (LOCPG spokesperson: Firmly support SAR gov’t’s lawful investigation and punishment of Chinese University of Hong Kong students suspected of violating the National Security Law)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., November 20, 2020
被指搶國旗兼泵落地 鍾翰林否認侮辱國旗 下周擬庭上自辯 (Accused of grabbing the national flag, Tony Chung denies insult charge, to defend himself in court next week)
inmediahk.net, November 20, 2020