香港通识教育“异化病”必须根治(香江观察)(Hong Kong’s General Studies suffers from psychological "alienation," must be cured)
People’s Daily, December 14, 2020
Why Jimmy Lai and Hong Kong’s democracy advocates need Biden’s public support right now
Washington Post, December 13, 2020
肥佬黎「勾結」了誰?(With whom did Jimmy Lai “collude”?)
Inmediahk, December 13, 2020
離開香港的路,也許早已注定 (My departure from Hong Kong had perhaps been preordained)
Stand News, December 14, 2020
專訪|卸大律師公會主席 戴啟思:遺憾無法訪京 未定再戰立會否 (Philip Dykes, HKBA chair, in interview: Regret not being able to visit Beijing, unsure about standing for LegCo election next year)
HK01, December 14, 2020