China Moves to Punish Lawyers Hired to Help Hong Kong Activists
New York Times, January 4, 2021
2港人案家屬委託律師盧思位、任全牛 內地擬吊銷二人執業證書 任:律師職業被判了死刑 (Authorities revoke licenses of Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu, lawyers hired by families of 12 Hong Kongers; Ren: It's a death sentence for a lawyer's career)
CitizenNews, January 4, 2021
12港人關注組聲明:譴責中國當局打壓盧思位及任全牛律師 (12 Hongkongers Concern Group statement: Condemning Chinese Authorities’ Oppression of Lawyers Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu), January 4, 2021
關注組透露「12港人案」3名家屬已抵深圳 (Concern group says 3 family members of 12 Hong Kongers arrive in Shenzhen)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 3, 2021
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo assails China for its treatment of the ‘Hong Kong 12’
South China Morning Post, January 1, 2021
回應蓬佩奧就12港人案對中方批評 外交部促停止抹黑 (China’s MFA spokesperson responds to Pompeo's criticism on case of 12 Hong Kongers: Stop the smear campaign)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 4, 2021
周庭成「甲級犯」被調往大欖懲教所 睡覺需單獨囚禁 (Agnes Chow is a “Cat. A” inmate at Tai Lam Correctional Institution, required to sleep in solitary cell)
Ming Pao, December 31, 2020
黎智英保释令被撤 还押候审 (Jimmy Lai's bail is revoked)
Deutsche Welle, December 31, 2020
Hong Kong activist Jimmy Lai returned to jail until at least February
The Guardian, December 31, 2020
Explainer: How the national security law changed Hong Kong – month 6
Hong Kong Free Press, January 4, 2021