立陶宛禁止机场使用中国监视设备 (Lithuania bans Chinese surveillance tech in airports)
Radio France Internationale, January 30, 2021
“少数派报告”中国版的另类现实 大数据预警真有那么神?(Minority Report in China: How reliable is big data early crime warning system?)
Voice of America, January 30, 2021
英媒:提供新冠试剂的中国基因公司曾与军方合作 (English media: China gene firm providing worldwide COVID tests worked with Chinese military)
Deutsche Welle, January 30, 2021
Exclusive: China gene firm providing worldwide COVID tests worked with Chinese military
Reuters, January 30, 2021
病毒可怕,个人隐私被泄露更可怕 (Personal privacy’s leaks are worse than the virus)
Voice of America, February 1, 2021