The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Five Hong Kong democrats facing national security charges back behind bars after bail challenge withdrawal
Hong Kong Free Press, March 19, 2021

Hong Kong electoral reform: lawmakers to start discussing coming shake-up even before full details of Beijing plan revealed
South China Morning Post, March 19, 2021

國安教育殺入資助大學 教資會要求納必修 以爭學額資源 (National security education forces entry into universities; University Grants Committee calls it a requirement for receiving government subsidies)
Stand News, March 18, 2021

【香港文革】文匯星島狙擊科大教授李靜君 指參與「守護孩子」促嚴查 梁振英:盡快自首 (Pro-Beijing media outlet attacks Hong Kong University of Science and Technology professor Lee Ching Kwan for participating in volunteer group “Protect Our Kids Campaign”)
Stand News, March 19, 2021

【全面監控】建制再促課室裝閉路電視 鏡頭對焦教師 蔡若蓮:做法消極 恐教學變質 (Pro-government lawmakers push for CCTV surveillance cameras for monitoring teachers)
Stand News, March 19, 2021

終審法院法官韋彥德:倘香港法治受損 將離開終院 (Non-permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal Lord Reed: I'll leave the Court if rule of law in Hong Kong is broken)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 19, 2021

調查指兩成人計劃永久離開香港 學者:冇自由就會好悲觀,諗住走 (Survey shows 20% plan to leave Hong Kong permanently; scholar: No freedom leads to pessimism and wish to leave) , March 19, 2021

“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum our sixth mini-policy forum about Migration Tide in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, March 19, 2021