Poll finds only half of Hongkongers inclined to vote in upcoming legislative race – a record low
Hong Kong Free Press, November 24, 2021
【立法會爭位】《大公報》點名追擊民研 斥民調煽惑不投票 鍾劍華:學術研究沒理由構成煽動(Pro-Beijing newspaper accuses HKPORI LegCo election survey of inciting to not vote)
Stand News, November 24, 2021HKPOP releases the first round of LegCo Election Survey results, the latest popularities of CE and SAR Government along with PSI and GGPI
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, November 23, 2021
Hong Kong to revive bill bolstering copyright law as minister warns satire and parodies must toe national security line
South China Morning Post, November 24, 2021