Functional constituencies in Hong Kong’s Legco will all be contested for first time, but is the competition just for show?
South China Morning Post, November 29, 2021
Hong Kong to deploy over 10,000 police to ensure ‘patriots-only’ legislative polls run smoothly
Hong Kong Free Press, November 29, 2021
Hong Kong elections: only 3 Legislative Council candidates identify as ‘pro democracy’, demand universal suffrage in official poll statements
South China Morning Post, November 27, 2021
廉署通緝許智峯及丘文俊 涉煽惑市民投白票及不投票(Exiled Ted Hui and Yau Man-chun wanted by ICAC for inciting citizens to cast blank votes and not vote)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 29, 2021
Hong Kong court to hear challenge to national security law conviction next March
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2021
Hong Kong public broadcaster RTHK does not have the right to freedom of expression, High Court rules
South China Morning Post, November 25, 2021
法庭裁定通訊局對《頭條新聞》部分裁決不成立(Court rules Communications Authority's decision against RTHK's Headliner is wrong in part)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 25, 2021
Hong Kong protests: Telegram group administrator pleads guilty to 9 incitement charges tied to violent 2019 clashes
South China Morning Post, November 29, 2021
National security law: why have Hong Kong’s activist groups fallen like dominoes? Who is to blame and can civil society rebuild itself?
South China Morning Post, November 26, 2021
鄒幸彤控煽動顛覆國家政權 第八次申請保釋被拒(Chow Hang-tung, charged with inciting subversion, is denied bail for the eighth time)
Ming Pao, November 26, 2021
Exclusive | Priscilla Wong, police watchdog chief, set to head governing body of University of Hong Kong, city’s top tertiary institution
South China Morning Post, November 24, 2021
Hong Kong film on 2019 protests wins prize for best documentary at Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards
South China Morning Post, November 28, 2021