Hong Kong’s largest journalist group faces scrutiny from authorities, asked to justify activities amid media crackdown fears
South China Morning Post, January 21, 2022
歐議會通過決議指香港侵犯自由 中國駐歐使團堅決反對(European Parliament adopts resolution condemning violations of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong; PRC mission to EU strongly opposes)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 21, 2022
Human rights breaches in Hong Kong, Kazakhstan and Sudan
European Parliament, January 20, 2022
New Hong Kong barristers’ chief warns profession to stay out of politics
Agence France-Presse, January 21, 2022
程渊、吴葛健雄家属要求会见无果,二人却突然被转去赤山监狱服刑(Authorities transfer rights advocates Cheng Yuan and Wu Gejianxiong to Chishan Prison, deny families’ requests for visits)
Weiquanwang, January 21, 2022
吾买尔·白克力:即使杀死我全家我也要说出真相!(Omar Bekli from Xinjiang: Even if my whole family is killed, I will tell the truth!)
Radio France Internationale, January 21, 2022