湖南民主人士欧彪峰案将于2022年1月27日在湖南株洲看守所开庭,不公开审理(Case of Hunan democracy activist Ou Biaofeng to be heard in Zhuzhou Detention Center on January 27, not open to public)
Weiquanwang, January 24, 2022
被羁押的广东民主人士王爱忠案已到法院 等待开庭(Detained Guangdong democracy activist Wang Aizhong awaits trial)
Weiquanwang, January 24, 2022
A Hong Kong journalist's 'survivor's guilt' amid media clampdown
Deustche Welle, January 25, 2022
港區國安法|鄒家成涉串謀顛覆政權、鄒幸彤涉煽動顛覆 再申保釋均被拒(Owen Chow, one of the 47 pro-democracy figures charged with inciting subversion and Chow Hang-tung, charged with subversion, are denied bail again)
Ming Pao, January 25, 2022
城大稱擔心學生會財務 要求兩週內交16年賬目報告 否則割席及收回會址(CityU to students' union: Submit 16 years of financial reports or lose our support and office space)
inmediahk.net, January 25, 2022