Enemies of My Enemy: How Fear of China Is Forging a New World Order
Foreign Affairs, February 14, 2022
Chinese sites accused of censoring LGBT content from Friends
BBC News, February 13, 2022
“老友记”中国重播再遇审查,同性恋情节遭删改惹众怒(Public uproar over gay contents being censored from "Friends" rebroadcast in China)
Voice of America, February 14, 2022
Beijing sells troubled Xinjiang as a winter sports paradise
Agence France-Presse, February 13, 2022
YouTube’s Olympics Highlights Are Riddled With Propaganda
Wired, February 11, 2022
在西方遭贬,在非洲得宠:华为网络技术(Discredited in the West, favored in Africa: Huawei network technology)
Deutsche Welle, February 13, 2022
媒体:北京夏奥维族火炬手身陷囹圄(Media: Uyghur torchbearer for 2008 Beijing Olympics is serving 14-year sentence for watching “counter-revolutionary videos”)
Deutsche Welle, February 12, 2022
Uyghur torchbearer for 2008 Beijing Olympics serving 14-year sentence in Xinjiang
Radio Free Asia, February 11, 2022
西藏民众手机被强迫安装软件以监控与境外联系(Chinese authorities forcibly install surveillance software on Tibetans’ mobile phones to monitor their contact with relatives, friends abroad)
Radio Free Asia, February 13, 2022