China recruits, trains monitors for online religious content
Radio Free Asia, March 23, 2022
China’s Wolf Warriors Aren’t the Majority of the Pack
The Diplomat, March 23, 2022
中国在南海扩建岛礁“完成军事部署向海外延申战力”(China's expansion of islands, reefs in South China Sea "completes military deployment to extend combat power overseas")
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 23, 2022
“战略意外”的前奏?所罗门群岛据信与中国拟订范围广泛的安全合作协议(Prelude to "strategic accident"? Solomon Islands believed to plan wide-ranging security cooperation agreement with China)
Voice of America, March 24, 2022
考虑把俄罗斯逐出G20 欧美踢中国铁板(Europe, U.S. consider expelling Russia from the G20)
Deutsche Welle, March 24, 2022
澳大利亚成立太空司令部应对北京威胁(Australia sets up Space Command to deal with China’s threats)
Radio Free Asia, March 24, 2022
Australia announces new 'Space Command' defence agency
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 22, 2022
美防中俄联手躲制裁 北约谴责北京说谎(U.S. prevents China, Russia from joining forces to dodge sanctions; NATO accuses China of lying)
Deutsche Welle, March 24, 2022