China ratifies forced labour conventions ahead of visit by UN rights chief
South China Morning Post, April 20, 2022
港懲教軟硬兼施「去激化」反修例囚犯 (Correctional Services Department uses various approaches to "de-radicalize" anti-ELAB prisoners)
Ming Pao, April 20, 2022
妇女权益保障法大修,如何让“防拐条款”长出“牙齿”? (Overhaul of the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests: How to make the "anti-trafficking clause" grow "teeth"?)
China News, April 20, 2022
最高检:严厉打击养老诈骗犯罪 加大追诉力度 (Supreme People’s Procuratorate: Severely crack down on, step up prosecution of pension fraud)
China News, April 20, 2022