The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

中共当局闭门庭审许志永“颠覆”案,被斥为荒唐“骗局”(CPC’s closed-door trial of Xu Zhiyong for "subversion" is called absurd “scam”)
Voice of America, June 22, 2022


许志永案秘密开庭 法国驻华使馆及人权组织呼吁释放许志永与丁家喜两人(Xu Zhiyong tried behind closed doors; French embassy in China and human rights groups urge release of Xu and Ding Jiaxi)
Radio France Internationale, June 22, 2022

中国人权律师团关于许志永博士、丁家喜律师案件的声明(Statement of China Human Rights Lawyers Group on cases of Dr. Xu Zhiyong and lawyer Ding Jiaxi)
Weiquanwang, June 22, 2022

河南利用“健康码维稳” 郑州市民起诉卫健委 (Henan uses "health code to maintain stability"; Zhengzhou citizens sue National Health Commission)
Radio Free Asia, June 22, 2022

Hong Kong director pulls film from screening after authorities say it could incite hatred of government
Hong Kong Free Press, June 22, 2022

Hong Kong’s incoming deputy justice secretary to quit pro-Beijing group amid concerns membership could undermine impartiality
South China Morning Post, June 22, 2022

梁耀忠刑滿出獄 引巴金「歷史唔係一個沉默嘅啞子」喻六四(Leung Yiu-chung, released from prison after serving his sentence, cites Ba Jin's "History is not a silent mute" as metaphor for June 4)
Ming Pao, June 22, 2022