丁家喜遭闭门审讯12小时 其妻批违国际法可耻(Human rights lawyer Ding Jiaxi is tried behind closed doors for 12 hours; wife slams China as disgraceful for violating international law)
Radio France Internationale, June 26, 2022
Zhang Sizhi, hailed as "conscience of Chinese lawyers", dies in Beijing at 94
South China Morning Post, June 25, 2022
前區議員陳榮泰煽惑集結案開審 七一前見記者稱翌日「想試下行街有乜嘢事」(Former HK district councillor Lancelot Chan Wing-tai's case of inciting assembly opens for trial)
inmediahk.net, June 27, 2022
連登煽動案 辯方指煽動罪性質嚴重、應交高院有陪審團 官押8.1宣判(Defense of LIHKG incitement case says the crime of incitement is serious in nature and should be brought to the High Court with a jury)
inmediahk.net, June 27, 2022
Hong Kong's largest journalist group insists it operates in accordance with law after being asked by authorities to justify activities
South China Morning Post, June 26, 2022<>/p>
「光城者」串謀恐怖活動案交付高院 15歲男生申保釋遭拒 (In case of "Returning Valiant," the pro-democracy group accused of conspiring to commit terrorist activities in public facilities, 15-year-old boy is denied bail)
immediahk.net, June 27, 2022
警拘三男涉藏仿製槍械 檢大批反政府旗幟 (Police detain three men in imitation firearms case, seizing a large number of anti-government flags)
immediahk.net, June 27, 2022<>/p>