Fury at UN human rights chief over ‘whitewash’ of Uyghur repression
The Guardian, June 9, 2022
230多个人权团体发表联名信,要求联合国人权高专米歇尔∙巴切莱特辞职 (In joint letter, more than 230 human rights groups urge resignation of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet)
Voice of America, June 9, 2022
批巴切莱特访新疆失职 数百人权组织促下台(Hundreds of human rights groups urge Bachelet to step down after criticizing her visit to Xinjiang)
Deutsche Welle, June 9, 2022
失联半年的律师唐吉田传出被拘押期间头部受创,恐遭不人道对待(After being disappeared for half a year, lawyer Tang Jitian is reported to have suffered head injury in detention, raising concerns over inhumane treatment)
Radio Free Asia, June 9, 2022
当局不准狱中的黄琦自请律师,也不准与其母谈论案情(Authorities deny right of Huang Qi, 6 years into his 12-year term, to retain counsel of his choosing or discuss case with his mother)
Radio Free Asia, June 9, 2022
涉煽惑六四集會及殺警 男保安拒保獲釋 警:保留追究權利(Male security guard is released after refusing bail over charges of inciting others to join June 4 rally and kill police; police reserve right to investigate)
Mingpao, June 9, 2022
Taiwan’s Apple Daily finds buyer after Hong Kong edition shuttered, will retain most staff
Agence France-Presse, June 9, 2022