The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

美国国会及行政当局中国委员会共同主席发表声明 纪念刘晓波逝世五周年 (Statement by co-chairs of U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China commemorating Liu Xiaobo on 5th anniv. of his death)
Voice of America,, July 14, 2022

诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波死于狱中五周年,无国界记者呼吁国际社会对中国当局施加更大压力 (Reporters Without Borders urges int’l community to put more pressure on Chinese authorities on 5th anniv. of Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo's death in custody)
Voice of America, July 13, 2022

刘晓波逝世五周年 中国离宪政有多远? (On 5th anniv. of Liu Xiaobo's death, how far is China from constitutionalism?)
Radio Free Asia,, July 12, 2022

河北栾城一天主教地下教会堂遭强拆 当地主教披露详情 (Underground Catholic church in Luancheng, Hebei forcibly demolished; local bishop reveals details)
Radio Free Asia,, July 12, 2022

Hong Kong court asked to rule if ex-Tiananmen group leaders can challenge legality of national security data probe
Hong Kong Free Press, July 13, 2022

【逆權律師】美籍律師Bickett國會聽證 斥港警隻手遮天凌駕法治 (Samuel Bickett accuses Hong Kong police of “covering the sky, overriding rule of law” in US congressional hearing)
Radio Free Asia, July 12, 2022

香港公民社会人士美国会作证 吁扩大制裁至习近平及中层港警 (Hong Kong civil society members testify at U.S. Congress, urging expanding sanctions to include Xi Jinping and mid-level Hong Kong police)
Radio Free Asia, July 12, 2022

Hong Kong's 'Grandma Wong' jailed over 2019 protests
BBC News, July 13, 2022

涉煽惑七一集結陳榮泰囚15個月 官指區議員身份發言屬「推波助瀾」(Lancelot Chan sentenced to 15 months in prison for inciting July 1 assembly; judge states that Chan, speaking as district councilor, was “fanning the flames”), July 12, 2022

9.29政府總部外集結 4男女認暴動還柙 14歲男生等3人不認罪 (4 defendants plead guilty to rioting outside gov’t headquarters on Sept. 29, 2019; 3, including 14-year-old boy, plead not guilty), July 13, 2022

Independent ‘Hongkongers book fair’ axed after organisers allegedly accused of lease violation
Hong Kong Free Press, July 13, 2022